Why I Will Vote For the Third Time For Donald Trump

While recovering from stomach surgery, my prayers continue for revival in America and wisdom for the American people in the 2024 presidential election.
In some states, people begin voting soon.
The recent second assassination attempt on our former president only heightens the tension in our country and points to the need for good, effective leadership in our nation.
Here’s why I will vote for the third time for Donald Trump to be the 47th president of the United States.
Why I Will Vote For the Third Time For Donald Trump
As Americans go to the polls over the next seven weeks, I feel compelled to share why I will vote for Donald Trump. (I wish there was one voting “holiday” in all states on November 5 with paper ballots, speeches, and celebrations),
We will also vote for local and state leaders. But the presidential race is paramount–it could spark renewal in our badly backslidden nation or lead to disaster that will impact us and the world for decades to come.
I write from the standpoint of an academic thesis, laying out my thoughts with clear, category subtitles instead of normal running paragraphs. I hope you will consider my thoughts and pass them on to others if they are helpful.
The United States is a constitutional republic which includes representative democratic forms. The people govern the nation through those they choose to represent their ideals. Voting is a privilege, and very rare in human history. It should be cherished by all Americans–being purchased by the blood of our forefathers.
A church in our area has a “Voting Central” kiosk in its lobby to encourage all members to register and to educate people on issues and candidates running for office. That same kiosk (non-partisan) should be in every place of worship, business, or non-profit in the land.
I had the privilege of producing the first national “Presidential Scorecard” in conjunction with Intercessors for America in 1976. I have never missed a vote in 53 years of eligibility. Voting is a sacred duty.
My practice for voting is the same method I use in all areas of life. I study the information on the issues and candidates and rationally analyze it through the lens of a biblical worldview. I don’t vote by gut, feeling, or other people’s opinions (though I value wise input). I gather facts, pray for wisdom, and vote rationally for the clearly best candidate or the lesser of two evils.
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 though he was not my first preference during the Republican primaries. In the general election, his business skills and worldview were in sharp contrast to Hillary Clinton’s desire for power.
Though severely and unfairly persecuted during his first term by the Democratic Party, Deep State, and liberal media, he governed well for America both domestically and internationally. I came to view him like a biblical Samson with a checkered past, rough around the edges, but the “strongman” God could use to course-correct our nation. I voted again for him in 2020 because his competence, worldview, and good policies compared to the mentally diminished and possibly corrupt Joe Biden.
Trump lost because of voter ignorance, the Covid pandemic, slanted news, and probably some election shenanigans (which we’ll only know for sure in eternity).
Here is my honest take on voting for Trump over Harris. Personality is not a factor. I don’t care for Trump’s name calling, pettiness, and tangents. I also dislike Harris’ feigned compassion and childish cackling. In this less important area (policies are supreme): Draw.
But there are critical issues that will make or break America in the 21st century. Who’s best to lead the nation?
- Life. The God-given role of government is to protect its citizens–starting with their lives. Trump is pro-life and helped return the practice of abortion to the states (closer to the people). Harris both encourages and celebrates baby-killing in the womb–a modern form of child sacrifice (for adult gain). Advantage to future Americans: Trump.
- Border. The Biden-Harris administration is also killing the American culture/dream with open borders that have two primary purposes: 1) Recruiting new Democratic voters through entitlement bribes and, 2) Destroying historic (faith-based) America to pave the way for progressive tyranny. Security Advantage: Trump by a mile (or wall).
- Faith. George Barna has reported that 90% of God-loving people now vote Republican and 90% of atheists (nones) vote Democrat. (Yes, ten percent of each are inconsistent with their worldview). The Dems have become the party of atheism and the Republicans still cling to “In God We Trust.” Faith and its fruits are far better than atheistic totalitarianism. “Christian nations” are the most free and happiest on earth. Happiness Advantage: Trump.
- Family. Trump and Harris are a personal draw here as they both have many skeletons of immorality and Donald Trump, three marriages. But Trump’s current policies on rebuilding the family are far better than Harris’ willingness to deny parental rights for child sex changes and drag queen promotions in kindergarten. The Democratic Party has been anti-family since the 1960s. They want people to “marry government” (welfare) instead of championing the nuclear family. Family Advantage: Trump.
- Economy. Trump ended his first term with 1.9 percent inflation and real wage growth. The Democrats’ war on fossil fuels and reckless spending have fueled 20% inflation on many products and services. When Harris was asked in the debate: “Are Americans better off today than they were four years ago?,” she dodged the question. The only alternative was to lie. Trump is a successful businessman and first term president with a good economic record. Grocery Bill Advantage: Trump.
- Freedom. The Democrats no longer support free speech. They want a monopoly on information for control purposes. Their surrogates censor other views on the Internet. Elon Musk buying Twitter (now “X”) was a God-send. Musk could serve in a Trump administration to cut out waste and censorship in the federal system. Free Speech Advantage: Trump.
- Law. Harris supports “lawfare” against President Trump, has supported defunding police, no bail laws, and raised money for anarchists after the George Floyd riots. Trump is a law and order guy who may rein in sanctuary cities financially and lower crime rates. He’ll also try to deport criminal illegal aliens. Safety Advantage: Trump.
- Climate. I believe Harris and Trump are equal in desiring clean air and water. But Harris supports the questionable “climate change” agenda which demands that we believe rising temperatures are man-made, and not natural cycles. The evidence isn’t clear. Plus there’s nothing one nation can do. The truth: Climate change hysteria is a “crisis to not waste” that could ruin our economy and prompt a cry for global governance. Energy Advantage: Trump.
- Peace. The facts are stark. Trump administration: no wars. Biden Harris: two wars (Ukraine & Middle East) and much saber rattling (China, North Korea). Other nations feared Donald Trump. They mock the current administration. We learned under Reagan that peace comes through strength: Peace of Mind Advantage: Trump.
That’s my reasoning. How about yours?
Since Donald Trump and Kamala are the only two (serious) choices, then it’s Trump by a “rational” landslide.
I believe he will lead us well based on his track record and policies. I can’t fathom how anyone could knowledgably vote for Kamala Harris based on the issues–unless they are deceived by propaganda or want to see America destroyed.
Here’s true hope: One day the “President of all presidents”–Jesus Christ–will openly rule the universe in righteousness and love.
Until He comes, vote wisely.
Great article Ron. Oh so true. Praying for our nation and your full and speedy recovery. 🙏
God Bless