The Baptism Revival

In the closing chapter of my autobiography, One Small Life, I analyze the messages of Israel’s greatest prophets–Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Jeremiah prophesied during a time of terminal judgment. He focused on the negative–the sins of a “falling nation.” Isaiah preached repentance also, but in the the second half of his book he gloried in the positive–God’s revival power and Eternal Kingdom.
Both prophets remind me of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (tares). Jesus said both evil and revival would grow simultaneously during the last days. I write often about growing evil to incite us to prayer and action. But let’s focus today on the positive (wheat).
The Baptism Revival.
The Baptism Revival
Since water is necessary for baptizing, it fits that the current awakening in the USA has its largest expressions in Florida and California (plenty of beaches).
It began a year ago at Newport Beach, California, at the same ocean cove that became a focal point for the Jesus Movement in the 1960s and 70s, and also used as a filming location for the Jesus Revolution movie. Last summer 4,200 people were baptized one weekend.
Evangelist Greg Laurie described it this way:
“On the day of Pentecost, after Peter preached, we read in the Bible that 3,000 people were baptized. At Pirates Cove, we saw a baptism of biblical proportions… This may have been be the largest baptism in American history, maybe world history. God Knows, but it was AMAZING! We give Him all the Glory.”
This spring the baptism phenomenon is exploding coast-t0-coast. Here’s what happened recently in Tampa Bay according to CBN News (one of my favorite uplifting news sources):
A baptism movement kicked off across the country this weekend.
On Saturday, thousands came to Grace Family Church in Tampa, Florida and nearly 1,000 men, women, and children were baptized at Fort De Soto Beach. It all began on Easter Sunday when the church decided to do something a little bit different to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.
“We didn’t want a traditional Easter service. We wanted something where we could invite Tampa Bay to be a part of the biggest church service people had ever seen,” Daryl Black, Associate Pastor of Grace Family Church, told K-Love. “We didn’t know what to expect. We were praying for God to have a really big move.”
The church invited more than 30,000 people to Raymond J Stadium where the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play and the place was packed. “It was amazing to see it happen and be a part of that experience,” Black described. Legendary former NFL coach Tony Dungy gave a powerful message.
The church’s lead pastor, Craig Altman, also shared about the true meaning of Easter. “The greatest comeback was Jesus Christ was crucified and buried and for three days he was dead. They thought all hope was lost, but then God resurrected him from the dead. And that’s symbolic for us, that God can raise us up into a new life and brings a lot of hope,” Altman told local media outlet Fox News 13.
What took place next could only be described as something out of the book of Acts. More than 1,200 people ran out of their seats to the stadium floor responding to the call to give their lives to the Lord. “All over the stadium people were coming to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ,” Black shared.
As a result of the response, the church decided to host a public baptism at Fort De Soto Beach two weeks later. In total, 947 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. “I baptized so many people that my back was hurting when I was done,” Black recalled. “But it was worth it. There is a wave of revival that is coming. Bigger than what we’ve ever seen before. Young people really want the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s more than just the religion. It’s more than just rituals. It is a real relationship.”
Florida’s beaches, the California coastline, the Texas Gulf, and rivers in the Midwest are becoming epicenters for a massive baptism movement.
Jenny Weaver, whom God has used to baptize thousands of students on colleges campuses this past year, asked her Core Group to simultaneously host baptisms in Louisiana, Tennessee, California, Texas, and Missouri.
“The Lord spoke to me and He literally said, ‘Summer of Baptism,’ she shared in a Facebook video. “I saw us going to different places and doing baptisms.” More than 2,000 people signed up for the event across the country, and many hundreds were baptized.
We may see a summer of violence and hate in Chicago at this summer’s Democratic convention (weeds).
But we will also see a “Summer of Baptisms.”
Weaver said what was taking place was: “Absolutely a move of God! Baptisms are sweeping the nation because it’s what God is currently doing. Now is not the time to nick pick baptisms, it’s the time to REJOICE because the harvest is READY!!!!”
Recently hundreds were baptized once again at Pirates Cove Beach in California. In Ozark, Missouri, 130 people publicly gave their lives to Jesus Christ. And in Tennessee, 45 people were baptized. One person, who attended a baptismal event at Siesta Keys, shared that one beach bystander decided to give up alcohol and give his life to Jesus on the spot.
Back in California, the baptism revival continues to spread.
Pastor Mark Francey is gearing up for Baptize California a state-wide initiative that could shatter other historical markers to become the “world’s largest synchronized baptism.”
Francey told CBN News his baptism efforts started with a vision from God.
“I’m originally from California, but [had] spent the last 17 years in a different state, so moving here, starting a brand new church, treading…water after COVID — the last thing on our mind was uniting…this global baptism initiative.”
But after he read a book that talked about one of the largest water baptisms in American history held at Pirate’s Cove in California, he was surprised to learn the mass immersion took place in the 1990s. He was also intrigued by the fact it took place at the very same location where the late Chuck Smith baptized masses of young people 50 years ago during the Jesus movement.
“I had almost like an open vision,” he said, noting the vivid experience included worship and very specific details. “I saw boats from guys I knew in our church parked along Pirate’s Cove.” Francey, who isn’t prone to these sorts of images from God, said he told his church about it a few weeks later and people got excited.
That’s when he felt the Lord pushing him to organize and fund Baptize SoCal. At first, he was reluctant. “I tried to talk God out of it,” Francey said. “There’s a lot of other guys here, fathers, mothers here that are doing great things. You know, I’m a nobody.'”
But God told him He wasn’t interested in his insecurity. Francey knew he was called to embark on the baptism mission, and he decided to listen.
You can hear the vision below
Vast evil is growing in our world today. The secular news uplifts the darkness (weeds). But simultaneously, God is doing a great thing.
With or without a beach at your disposal, get involved in this 2020’s Baptism Revival.
Yes, we must pray for and resist the “weeds.” But even more so, we must serve with joy the incredible “wheat” harvest that God has begun.
It’s the most important news you need to know.
Powerful testimony of how the Holy Spirit is moving in answer to our prayers! This is such an exciting breakthrough in our generation.
We showed the CBN interview with Pastor Mark and what Jesus put before him during our Sunday worship. This is so encouraging. May BaptizeAmerica go national and then global.
People are searching and finding hope in Christ!
Thanks so much for sharing this Ron. We are praying for our children and grandchildren to enter into what God is doing in our time.