Progressing Towards Communism

The word “progressive” now used in American politics sounds positive–like taking wonderful steps towards human virtue and prosperity.

But 21st century progressive politics has divided the USA, destroyed the American family, defunded the police, created an open border, brought sexual and gender confusion, accelerated violence in the cities, and created generational despair.

These consequences, and many others, are anything but progressive–they’re regressive in every way.

We’re only progressing towards communism.

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The World Makes No Sense Without Tri-focal Vision

The May 24, 1982 entry on my “Life Calendar” records that I spent a day in Washington, D.C. with a spiritual leader who confirmed that I had a prophetic gift. No, not that kind of prophet (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah etc.). Just an individual with a calling to speak for God and an ability to “see” things that others miss.

Part of being prophetic (not pathetic) includes a spiritual warfare perspective—the ability to glimpse realities in the unseen realm. I submit to you that today’s world and all that is happening around us make no sense without tri-focal vision.

Here is what I mean.

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Understanding Trump and the War Against Globalism

I’m still on college break and up to my eyeballs in projects.

Yet, the world goes on with climate change protests while President Trump spoke on religious freedom at the United Nations (historic) and the Democrats moved to impeach him (ridiculous). Believe it or not, all these items are part of a “game plan” I’ve been studying for some time and about which I’ve done a fair amount of writing.

Recently I saw an article by one of my favorite “thinkers” that shares the same perspective on what is really happening.

I think it’s time to understand Donald Trump’s current role in history (whether he knows it or not) and his war against globalism.

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