Posts Tagged ‘Thanksgiving’
The Pilgrim Legacy
I hope you prayed for the Dobbs v. Jackson abortion case that was argued today before the U.S. Supreme Court. After fifty years of the greatest holocaust in human history, this Mississippi appeal provides an opportunity to limit abortions in our nation or possibly reverse Roe v. Wade.
The decision will not be announced until June 2022, but between now and then we must intercede for our justices to do right according to the U.S. Constitution, the laws of God, and the consciences of honest human beings.
The right to life in America–the most basic of human rights–goes back to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Plantation. Here is the Pilgrim legacy we must renew in our day.
The True Heart of Thanksgiving
I have always appreciated reality more than fantasy–actual history compared to fictional stories. There is something about hearing a true story that speaks clearly and powerfully to the heart.
Not that imaginative story-telling cannot be helpful and instructive. Jesus’ use of parables is a good example. But there is something about a real struggle and the lessons learned that reaches our inner being and shouts, “that can be you too.”
During this special week when the United States celebrates Thanksgiving, I want to share two true stories to enlarge your grateful heart. Both are a testament that thankfulness is often forged in the furnace of affliction.
It is suffering that produces the true heart of Thanksgiving.
From Whom All Blessings Flow
When I was a child, a treasured family tradition at Thanksgiving and other holidays was to sing the “Doxology” as a family. We stood in a circle before eating our meal and lifted out voices:
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all people here below. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”
We knew to WHOM we should give thanks.
Don’t forget the “whom” this Thanksgiving.