Did the U.S. Election Delay Great Tribulation?

The provocative title may raise some eyebrows. But I think it’s a valid question. During the the past years of accelerating evil/tyranny in the United States, many people asked me whether I thought we were living in the “last days.” Their deep concern was this:   

“If America loses its freedom and global influence, what’s to stop the emergence of a one world government and an era the Bible describes as Great Tribulation before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ?”

I told them I didn’t know the answer.

But I do have some thoughts and I welcome yours.

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Hope for Great Revival and Glorious Return

Though the pandemic still cripples the world and evil forces “take the masks off” to erase the biblical foundations of the USA, I am filled with hope.

There is a God in heaven, a praying Church on earth, and a window of opportunity for the greatest awakening in world history.

“If my people…”(2 Chronicles 7:14).

Here is my Rx for revival and possibly the glorious return of Jesus Christ.

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