Democratic Party Implosion

I accidently splashed some selenium sulfide in my eyes last week and haven’t been able to read or write (missed my first blog in eighteen years).

My physical vision is coming back slowly. 

I’m more concerned about the moral vision of the Democratic Party. A recent poll had Democrats at an all-time low for “positive views” at seven percent. Wow. They remain leaderless, sat on their hands at the Trump address before a Joint Session of Congress, and caved on the recent continuing resolution.

Is the party that gave us Jefferson, Jackson, FDR, and Kennedy dying?

My thoughts on the current Dem implosion.

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Christopher Columbus and the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

We celebrated Columbus Day this week and many businesses and government offices were closed for the holiday. Honoring Christopher Columbus takes me back to a jingle we learned in grade school:

“In fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”

The name Christopher means “Light-bearer” and Columbus paved the way for the light of Jesus Christ to spread to the Western Hemisphere. Only one of our presidential candidates shares that sentiment–Donald Trump.

My thoughts on Christopher Columbus and the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

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