Posts Tagged ‘Pilgrims’
Disagreeing With O’Reilly on the Pilgrims (and Witches)
Bill O’Reilly, host of the “No Spin News,” is one of my favorite news pundits. He reminded me a few years ago to question all you see/hear on TV and the Internet and always seek the facts about news and issues.
I paid $280 to become a lifetime member of his nightly broadcast for access to materials and commentary. In return, I received a free set of his Killing series books (now 13). They comprise the most successful non-fiction book series in history with nearly 20 million copies sold.
His latest blockbuster is Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts.
But I disagree with O’Reilly on the Pilgrims (and Witches).
Thanksgiving: Our American Holy Day
Thanksgiving is a uniquely American “holy day” that arose out of the deep faith of our spiritual ancestors–especially the Pilgrims–who came to these shores in November of 1620. Other nations celebrate it (like Canada to the north), and Israel enjoyed many holidays that were used to give gratitude to God.
But our American Thanksgiving is different. It came primarily from a community of New Testament believers who not only grasped the importance of thanking God in all things, but experienced a providential act they never forgot.
The Pilgrim Legacy
I hope you prayed for the Dobbs v. Jackson abortion case that was argued today before the U.S. Supreme Court. After fifty years of the greatest holocaust in human history, this Mississippi appeal provides an opportunity to limit abortions in our nation or possibly reverse Roe v. Wade.
The decision will not be announced until June 2022, but between now and then we must intercede for our justices to do right according to the U.S. Constitution, the laws of God, and the consciences of honest human beings.
The right to life in America–the most basic of human rights–goes back to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Plantation. Here is the Pilgrim legacy we must renew in our day.