Memorial Day 2021: The Bravest Boehme

Of the ten official holidays on the American calendar, some commemorate secular events and others point to spiritual realities.

Memorial Day stands out as our most spiritual secular holiday because our remembrance of those who died for our freedom mirrors the death of Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation.

In both cases, God wants never to forget John 15:13: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

Remember Jesus every day. Remember our soldiers on Memorial Day and others.

My uncle, Richard Boehme, gave his life for his country in World War II. He is the bravest Boehme.

This is his heroic story.

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Memorial Day 2017 – The Bravest Boehme

Our church held a fabulous Memorial Day service on Sunday complete with a color guard, patriotic songs, prayer and great preaching to honor those who have served and given their lives for our country.

Freedom isn’t free–and those who fight for our liberty should always be remembered.

I had the privilege of telling my Uncle Dick’s story to the congregation on Sunday. I consider him the “bravest Boehme” who gave his life to liberate Europe during World War II.

I shared the story for the first time last year. It’s worth re-printing here.

May we all, this Memorial Day, honor those who served. Read More