How The Coming of Jesus Christ Changed the World

As you enjoy the Christmas week, I’d like to inspire you with the truth of how the birth of Jesus Christ changed the world. This particular blog is the most reprinted one I’ve ever penned.

Following is a condensed version of “Twelve Ways Jesus Christ Changed the World.

Enjoy–and Merry Christmas.

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We Are Fighting Atheists, Not Leftists

This week the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon after it traversed the USA. Then President Biden delivered his “State of the Union” address to the American nation.

What do China and President Biden share in common (other than influence peddling)? They are both leftists, operating out of an atheistic world view. They are both working against liberty and revival in our nation and worldwide.

We must define our enemies in order to understand how to beat them. 

We are fighting atheists in America and the West.

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We Must Change the Language to Renew the Culture

Many weapons are used in a cultural or civil war. But the vanguard always involves a “war of words.”

God used words to create the cosmos out of nothing (Genesis 1:3-31). His language possessed creative power. When humans (made in his image) use words, they create mental realities, passion, and momentum for societal change. They also give meaning and authority to the ideas behind them.

Right now we are losing the war of words in America’s cultural war.

We must change the language to renew the culture.

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