Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Unusual Messengers
I’ve always been fascinated with the word “holy,” which is used to describe the utter uniqueness or other-worldliness of God. Holiness means that God is “different,” “pure,” and completely “outside the box” of our finite human imagination.
This view of God reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ description of Aslan, the Jesus figure, in the Chronicles of Narnia where Mr. Beaver reminds Susan:
” Of course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the king, I tell you.”
To put it another way, God is very unusual and often does unusual things.
He even uses unusual messengers.
Grading Trump’s First Year: Fair and Balanced
As I recently argued, a wide array of political forces despise Donald Trump because he halted the triumph of secular-progressive values in the United States in the 2016 election.
On the eve of his first State of the Union address, here are my grades for the first year of the Trump presidency—fair and balanced.
I welcome your response.
Media War: My Advice to the President, the Press & the People
Like most people, I’ve been sickened by the recent media war between President Trump and CNN (and the rest of the liberal media at large).
I hope the feud settles down this Fourth of July as we remember the birth of our nation 241 years ago. As one author termed it, the emergence of the USA in 1776 was a “5000 year leap forward” in liberty and civil government.
That’s worth celebrating.
The media war is a huge step backwards. Who is to blame? What is to be done? Here’s my perspective and advice to Donald Trump, the American press, and the people of the United States. Read More