Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Understanding Trump and the War Against Globalism
I’m still on college break and up to my eyeballs in projects.
Yet, the world goes on with climate change protests while President Trump spoke on religious freedom at the United Nations (historic) and the Democrats moved to impeach him (ridiculous). Believe it or not, all these items are part of a “game plan” I’ve been studying for some time and about which I’ve done a fair amount of writing.
Recently I saw an article by one of my favorite “thinkers” that shares the same perspective on what is really happening.
I think it’s time to understand Donald Trump’s current role in history (whether he knows it or not) and his war against globalism.
Face of Satan Rising: Persecuting Christians
This week’s savage attack on Christians in Sri Lanka is a sobering reminder of Satanic brutality in our world.
That hatred has always been present–since the serpent deceived in Adam and Eve millenniums ago.
But, with nearly eight billion people alive today, 2.5 billion identifying as Christians, the global amplification of the media, and Christ’s return possibly on the horizon, persecution appears to be increasing.
Will it get worse? Is revival coming? Or both?
What should we do when we see the face of Satan rising?
The Necessity of Donald Trump
The 2018 mid-terms are behind us with the Republicans gaining seats in the Senate, and the Democrats taking the House with an average mid-term turnover. It will take days or weeks for the “rosters” to be finalized.
I never used to think much about in-between-year voting, but with the America nation divided as it is between two worldviews–the biblical version and secular utopia–every election either leads toward great danger or points us to renewal.
We are truly engaged in a civil war for a culture. The word “culture” comes from cultus which refers to what we worship or believe.
As the dusts settles, one thing is abundantly clear that some fail to admit or grasp.
The necessity of Donald Trump.