Did Donald Trump Save America?

I didn’t write the title to this article nor the article itself.

But I could have (and wish I did). I have been thinking for months why Donald Trump succeeded in becoming the 45th president of the United States.

I’ve also been pondering what might have happened if he didn’t.

Then Dennis Prager produced this column which became a number one read all over the Internet and blogosphere. He put into words what many of us had been thinking.

Did Donald Trump save America? Read More

Yes, Virginia, There’s a Deep State. In Fact, There Are Two.

Our local newspaper runs an annual editorial at Christmastime called “Yes, Virginia, There’s a Santa Claus.” Its point is that some things that are invisible can be true none-the-less.

Last November, when Donald Trump was elected president of the United States against all odds and poll numbers, I modified the headline to “Yes, Virginia, There is a God”–to again prove that things unseen can have a hand in events on earth.

Now it’s time to borrow the phrase once more:

Yes, Virginia, There is a Deep State. In Fact, There are Two. Read More

Yes, Virginia, There’s a God in Heaven

Every Christmas Day, our local area newspaper publishes an editorial that is titled “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.”  It was written many decades ago to remind a young girl that Santa Claus is real and it is okay to believe in him.

Last night’s stunning and historic American presidential election brought those words back to my own heart and mind–with a little twist.

Prayers were answered. A miracle happened.

Yes, Virginia, there’s a God in heaven.  Read More