Posts Tagged ‘Black Lives Matter’
What the Justice Generation Needs to Learn About Race and Slavery
I’m on a break between quarters after grading numerous papers.
One of the final ones was written by an African American pastor who is a great guy. But he made a fatal mistake often found among preachers obtaining degrees. He preached a passionate sermon in his paper (what he already knew) instead of telling me what he learned from a classic book on world missions.
He spent half the paper speaking about racism.
I thanked him for his burden, but had to knock his grade for not following directions. His paper provoked a question:
What does the “justice generation” need to learn about race and slavery?
Verbal Fascism
I remember vividly the cultural turmoil of the 1960’s highlighting the importance of free speech at the U.C.-Berkeley and other campuses. Though I strongly rejected the youth rebellion and its focus on drugs, free sex, and hatred of the police, I agreed with one tenet.
Free speech.
It stood enshrined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and seemed as American as apple pie. I thought the radicals simply wanted equal time. That’s fair in a free society.
I was wrong.
Those same radicals now control many of the leadership positions in government, the media and higher education in the United States. We now know what they wanted all along.
Control. And how do you gain it?
Verbal Fascism.