Reflections on the Trump Triumph

I first voted for president in 1972–for Richard Nixon. If I’d been eligible in 1960, I would have voted for JFK over Nixon due to his vision and policies (despite his infidelities).
God nudged me to write a book on the 1976 election. Shirley and I cried when Ronald Reagan lost in the primary. We rejoiced four years later when Reagan launched a revolution called “Morning in America.” We were in the crowd near the Capitol Building when he was sworn in on January 20, 1981.
In ten subsequent national elections we voted, prayed, dealt with angst, and felt encouragement in various years. Elections can be like yo-yos (do they still use that name?), but remain amazing tools of free governments to make minor or major societal course corrections.
The day after the Trump Red Wave, here are my reflections on the historic 2024 race.
Reflections on the Trump Triumph
Like many Americans and others around the world, I was nervous approaching the recent vote. Three days ago during my daily prayer walk, I asked God if he could share with me the outcome. He whispered into my mind, “Trump is going to win and it will not be close.”
I was encouraged by his words (you know why I voted for President Trump). I didn’t share them with anyone because I didn’t want to be wrong due to human weakness and bias.
Shirley and I prayed and cried again last night when Donald Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States–the only president besides Grover Cleveland to serve two non-consecutive terms. I will put my reflections in numbered points that flow from a stream of consciousness the last 24 hours. I welcome yours in return. Above all, I want be honest, fair, and committed to seeking the truth.
1. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance won the 2024 vote in epic, historic fashion. The Republicans were outspent by the Dems 3-1. The liberal news media gave 80% negative coverage to Trump and 90% positive reporting to Harris-Walz. Academia and Hollywood gave 90% of their endorsements to the Democrats. Yet, clear thinking Americans gave Trump and the GOP the national popular vote vote, an Electoral College victory, flipped the Senate Republican, and of this writing, are likely to hold the House of Representatives. That’s historic and utterly amazing.
2. Trump won as Tucker Carlson has observed because, “The bravest man is your leader.” Donald Trump spoke (usually over an hour) at 900 rallies over the last eight years–unprecedented in American history. He worked harder than any candidate in history, touched the hearts of millions of normal Americans, withstood the constant lawfare of the Deep State, and escaped assassination twice. He earned the right to lead this nation.
3. I have never liked Trump’s personality (name calling) nor his sordid sexual past. But I overlooked his flaws because he loves his country, adheres to a basic biblical worldview (best for the folks), is an astute businessman who understands economic freedom, and is a feared and trusted commander in chief. He means it when he says, “God bless America.”
4. Kamala Harris was one of the worst VP’s in history with lower ratings than President Biden. Politically, she was a weak candidate with an equally immoral past that aided her ambitions. She became a machine politician propped by a willing media with few accomplishments, scant understanding of business and working people, and a thoroughly atheistic worldview (Left). The American people saw through the smoke and mirrors and either didn’t bother to turn out, or voted for Trump.
5. The Democratic Party is no longer your father or grandfather’s party of decent values and support for working people. 75% of billionaire wealth in the U.S. supports the Dems. The party is anti-God, anti-common sense (biological men in women’s sports, open, chaotic borders etc.), and whose main issue is killing innocent children via abortion. (They’re worse than the barbaric Aztecs who sacrificed babies by the thousands.) One news network reported the Democrats spent a half billion dollars this news cycle championing abortion. Let that sink in. It’s blood money. The current Democratic Party wants to destroy America as we know it. Enough people woke up this election cycle to stop their plans.
6. The Republican Party is often wimpy–but generally adheres to good principles. Thanks to Trump, it is now the party of the working class with an amazingly broad coalition: 1. Elon Musk who saved free speech in America. 2. RFK Jr. will lead a “Make America Healthy Again” (MAHA) coalition against Big Pharma and future medical manipulations (Covid). 3 Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA recruits probably turned out more new voters than the RNC. 4. Tulsi Gabbard who exposed the hypocrisy of the Dems and switched parties. And numerous other unknown heroes were worked harder than the other party to win this election.
7. God answered millions of prayers from his people in this election cycle. They were led by the leaders of the “Baptism Revival” on college campuses, Intercessors for America and their army of prayer warriors, the Million Women rally in D.C., Sean Feucht’s “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour, and many churches and small groups who prayed in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14. God heard our prayers and changed the culturally suicidal direction of our nation.
8. We remain in a worldview battle for the destiny of the USA. As Proverbs says in simple terms, it’s “the godly versus the ungodly.” We must re-evangelize the nation, bring God’s love and truth into all our institutions, deal with an ominous 36 trillion dollar debt, and see another Great Awakening on U.S. soil and around the world. The Trump Red Wave could be a wholesome stimulus. America’s 250 anniversary is right around the corner (July 4, 2026). What we really need is a “red wave” of the blood of Jesus washing away our sins and changing us through repentance, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bill O’Reilly framed last night’s Trump victory in these terms:
Grover Cleveland has company. The jumbo politician was the only President to win non-consecutive terms until this week. The world was a far different place back in 1892, but the American leadership system was essentially the same: old Grover got more electoral votes than the Republican Benjamin Harrison, a boring guy with a limp handshake.
Like President Harrison, one-termer Joe Biden screwed it all up. So, his cheerleader soulmate Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump, a man who has regained power through sheer determination.
The former President is the hardest-working campaigner in history, and it’s not even close. Someone stop him before he holds another rally.
I don’t know if revenge is sweet for Mr. Trump, but he has vanquished his many enemies. They are bitter and befuddled. Now, everything in America changes as Republicans will take a sledgehammer to progressive politics. Donald Trump has plans.
MAGA people should embrace a “no gloat zone.” No retribution is needed. Having Trump back in power is entirely too much for the forces of the left. That should be sufficient for Trump supporters… Donald Trump should now employ an element of caution, something he’s not used to doing. But it is imperative that he does so.
As for Ms. Harris, she gave it a go. There’s honor in strenuous effort, as Donald Trump should know. We the people should process the election in that context. It’s the American way.
In every election we should be humble and grateful for the freedom to choose our leaders.
These are my reflections. I’d love to hear yours.
God bless and guide our leaders, President-elect Donald Trump, and the people of the United States of America.
I know there are many believers in America who don’t agreed with our perspective on the election. May God’s awakening be so great that we grow closer to his heart and mind for the USA and the cause of world evangelization. Ephesians 4:13 is our prayer:
“Until we all reach the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature belonging to the fullness of Christ.”
Amen & Amen! But our prayers must continually prevail!!
Ron..the posting of the two links was in reference to this statement you made. “with an even worse sexual past than Trump.”
I am curious how you see her sexual past as worse than DJT? What am I missing?
Who knows which person, Trump or Harris, during their “prime” sexual years, committed more immorality than the other. Both were promiscuous. My “even worse” reference to Kamala Harris refers to her motivations, not details of her sexual liaison with Willie Brown.
Trump engaged in sexual sin for pleasure, or to borrow Bill Clinton’s words, “because he could.” Harris “dated” many prominent CA politicians to advance her career–in other words, to gain favor and position from powerful people. To use a Hollywood phrase, she “slept her her way to the top.”
Because I didn’t have time in the blog to explain that, I will neutralize the comment to be fair. Thanks for pointing it out.
BTW: I really enjoyed your daughter’s book on the birth of YWAM in India. Thanks again for your sacrificial labor of love in that part of the world for the glory of God.
It was Gods mercy on us as a Nation, we didn’t deserve it , pray Gods Spirit moves among His people and calls us back to firs love before it’s to late.
All I could think of was “we have been unburdened by what could have been”. “Thank you Jesus for your mercy to us. Help us believers pray even more fervently for our nation and our President Trump because the enemy won’t stop trying to destroy him. He needs your sovereign protection, guidance and most of all a spirit of wisdom and humility. Pour our your Holy Spirit on Him and bring him into a deep, life changing relationship with YOU, the true Commander in Chief! Amen”
We, my wife Lynn and I, have been praying for a long time that our country would return to a Biblical world view in our politics and institutions and public life. We believe that no man can turn things around only God can do that. But God can and does use people to bring about change, even flawed individuals like Donald Trump. Anyone who knows anything about the Bible knows God used many very flawed people to accomplish his will. Yes, Donald Trump has not lived an exemplary life, but we believe, as stated, he has qualities that God can use to “right” the ship. We believe Mr. Trump knows God and his trust will be in him. Our task for the future is to keep praying for our nation, the peace and salvation of Jerusalem, and the world. 2Chron7:14 is one of our constant prayers. Thank you, Ron, for your concise and clear views as we believe they line up with our belief of what scriptures teach.