Why I’m a Liberal

It’s amazing how words change over time. A good example is the word “liberal” which many of my readers will view with caution, concern or disdain. Most of my life I’ve considered myself a conservative, meaning that I’m committed to conserving or renewing biblical truths in my own life and nation. Why? Because God’s truth brings…

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When God’s Law and Man’s Law Conflict–Lessons from Kim Davis

Many interpretations are being thrown around these days about obeying “the law of the land” in these United States of America.

The issue exploded recently into public view when a Kentucky County clerk named Kim Davis declined to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. I’m sure you saw images of her being hauled off to jail by those who said “she was not above the law.”

A few days later she spoke to a large rally, headed up by Mike Huckabee, after she was freed from jail. Gov. Huckabee proclaimed that Davis didn’t have to “support a law that was un-Constitutional.”

So which is it?  What do we do when God’s law and man’s law conflict?

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