The Fiscal Cliff: Destroyers, Wimps, Cheerleaders and the Ill-Informed

Happy New Year. I hope you had a meaningful holiday season with family and friends. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen in Washington, D.C. as our leaders were engaged with the so-called fiscal cliff–an array of tax increases and budget cuts that needed to be dealt with by December 31.

I am making a resolution for my columns in 2013–to mince no words as to the dangers we face in the coming months and years. This era is akin to the 1930s which foreshadowed world upheaval and war.

I commit to be a Dietrich Bonhoeffer who dares to speak up.

Here is my take on the “fiscal cliff” and the forces we are facing in 2013.

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Glenn Beck & 8-28: Pointing Us the Right Direction

Some friends attended the August 28 rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. spear-headed by talk-show host Glenn Beck.  Most estimates pegged the crowd at 250,000 to 300,000 people. That’s an incredible turnout for a hot summer day. My friends came away amazed, excited, and encouraged that God is indeed at work in our nation.

I wasn’t able to be there due to attending a reunion in Montana. But from Big Sky Country I interceded for our nation on 8-28 from a golden wheat field in the morning and joined a prayer group at night in one of the farm houses that dot the landscape.

I believe August 28, 2010 was a special day for re-directing America.

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The Meaning of Change

                                  “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16.

The Senate’s latest Saturday night massacre to move forward the federal take-over of health care in the United States is the latest indication of change coming to America.

Barack Obama ran on the theme of “Change” in his 2008 election triumph. 53% of the American public agreed with the message and voted for him as the 45th president of the United States. It’s now been one year since the Obama administration took the reins of government. Many of us were fearful of what an Obama presidency might bring. Others were optimistic about the message of “Hope” that the young Illinois senator trumpeted around the nation.

None of us knew how Barack Obama would actually govern. He ran as a center-left moderate.  Would he lead as a centrist politician as Bill Clinton did from 1992-2000 or would he choose a different script for guiding the US into the 21st century?

The verdict is in after the first 365 days.

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