Where are the Saints and the Patriots?

No, I’m not talking about those Saints and Patriots. The football Saints rode a future Hall of Fame quarterback to a Super Bowl victory. Another G.O.A.T. quarterback carried the Patriots to the pigskin promised land six times. One month ago, he did it again with some pirates (Buccaneers). I know where those Saints and Patriots…

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The New American Pravda and How to Navigate It

Pravda means “True” or “Truth” and was a newspaper published in the Soviet Union from 1918-91 as the official news organ of the communist state. It contained pure propaganda–telling the Russian people what their totalitarian bosses wanted them to hear. I traveled into the USSR in the mid-1970’s. At the border they confiscated Bibles, tracts,…

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With Liberty and Justice–in Free Fall

In the same manner that faith-based music often ends with a major chord showing completeness and hope in Christ, the Pledge of Allegiance, based on the 5,000 year leap of civil polity found in the United Sates of America, concludes on this triumphant note: “With liberty and justice for all.” History had never seen such…

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