Resisting American Renewal

A flurry of stories in the news this week highlight the worldview clash taking place in the United States.

President Trump’s Saturday tweets–that his team was wiretapped by the Obama Administration in the run-up to the November election–was the first jaw dropper. Then the new Wikileaks missive exposed more secrets of the CIA. Next, repeal and replace Obamacare ramped up.

Before that we witnessed women’s marches, the Democrats slow-walking appointments on Capitol Hill, and other intelligence turmoil and leaks while a new American Administration tried to get on its feet.

What’s going on in the world’s oldest democracy? It’s plain and simple.

A multi-front war has been launched to resist an American renewal.

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The Rise of the Secular Regressives

Nations normally die slowly when people turn away from their cultural foundations. Political parties are similar, even more closely reflecting the shifts in public thinking because they make up a smaller portion of the electorate.

The Republican Party morphed in 2016.  The change has been coming for decades but catalyzed this year when a secular icon named Donald Trump ran for president. Trump brought records numbers of people into party of Lincoln–but many aren’t following the worldview of Honest Abe.

The Republican Party as we’ve previously known it is dead. Gone.

For now.

In its place we have the rise of the Secular Regressives.

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The Real Meaning of Changing the Definition of Marriage

It was both interesting and agonizing to watch the legal collapse of American morals and marriage from thousands of miles away–in Asia.

I was in Mongolia and then China when the US Supreme Court changed the five thousand year definition of marriage through Obergefell vs. Hodges. Both of these Asian nations are “rising” countries where the Good News of Christ is bringing increased morality and positive changes to many peoples’ lives.

But America–my home nation–is a “falling” nation where the current rejection of our Christian heritage is breath-taking and is bringing about the demise of a once great nation. 

While in Asia, I pondered the consequences of what is taking place in the United States. Here is the real meaning of changing the definition of marriage.

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