Critical Race Theory and Satan’s Voice

Much is happening in our world this week with the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, (we need one in every nation), tensions on the Ukrainian border, and the censorship battle over the “The Joe Rogan Experience.” The global civil war for freedom and souls is heating up–and we must be armed with knowledge and on be fire…

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Destroyers and Rebuilders

Many terms are used today to describe the divide in America. Some view it as contest between political parties and their increasingly opposite worldviews. Others focus on the conservative or traditional philosophy of Americans as opposed to liberal or secular-progressive values. In the matter of Dobbs v. Jackson–the abortion case now before the U.S. Supreme Court–it’s…

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Why Satan Has Taken Off His Mask

For hundreds of years, the devil, Satan, Lucifer–the unseen force for evil in our world–hid behind a cartoon character with a pitchfork in the Judeo-Christian West. “Ha ha ha. A devil you say? That’s a figment of your imagination.” Other parts of the world take the devil and his demons seriously. Devilish activity is a…

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