Why Satan Has Taken Off His Mask

For hundreds of years, the devil, Satan, Lucifer–the unseen force for evil in our world–hid behind a cartoon character with a pitchfork in the Judeo-Christian West. “Ha ha ha. A devil you say? That’s a figment of your imagination.” Other parts of the world take the devil and his demons seriously. Devilish activity is a…

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The Meaning of Donald Trump–from a Biblical Perspective

As I readied this article for publication, the news hit that Rush Limbaugh died today at the age of seventy. His wife Katharine made the announcement at the beginning of his three-hour program which contains the largest radio audience in history. I’m thankful for Rush Limbaugh’s thirty-two years of truth-telling about many aspects of American…

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How the Baby Boom Squandered the Easiest Era in History

I hope we all realize the world will never be the same. We have reached the end of an era and a new one has begun. During the early stages of Covid pandemic, many thought (or hoped) that the plague would pass and things would return to normal. It did not–and then mob anarchy ignited…

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