Thanking God for Loren Cunningham – June 30, 1935 – October 6, 2023

Yesterday was Shirley’s and my 47th wedding anniversary. I’m so grateful for the godly wife that God gave me in 1976.  This week my heart aches for the nation of Israel which was attacked by terrorists with great loss of life. I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem and justice for the Hamas murderers.…

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Is The World About to Change?

On November 5, 2008, while taking a prayer walk through the east Texas prairie, God spoke to my heart: “The world is about to change.” I took it as a prophetic glimpse of the future and began to share the warning everywhere I went. I thought at that time that an economic crash might be…

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Loren Cunningham Shares God’s Dream

Many of you know that Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With A Mission, has been diagnosed with fourth stage lung cancer. When the disease was discovered last November, the doctors told him he had “weeks, not months, to live.” Then the YWAM family and others began praying for him, and not only did the…

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