The Battle for Paris (and the World)

I wrote last week on the faith-based based outreach taking place at the Paris Olympics that will later be multiplied to the world. Paris is an opportunity for a modern-day “Pentecost” displaying God’s love and power to “people from every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5). If you haven’t done so, please join the one million…

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Why the Resurrection is the Greatest Event in History

There are many events that impacted history over the past six thousand years. (Creation scientists calculate 4128 B.C. for the earth’s birthday.) Some of those events were disastrous. Others changed the world for good (in varying degrees). One could easily make the argument that Good Friday–when Jesus died for the sins of the world–stands out…

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Destroying the Foundations–Censorship

In coming months, outside of seasonal topics and breaking news, I want to share my concerns about the erosion of biblical principles in the Western World.   We are rapidly losing our Bible-based foundations through an onslaught of evil from the demonic world, an increasingly ignorant populace, and a sleepy, backslidden Church.  Russ Walton and Verna…

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