Let There Be Light

This past week, Sean Hannity produced a powerful faith-based movie called “Let There Be Light.” It ran in 373 theaters nation-wide and eclipsed many supposed block-busters and bigger name movies. People are craving God’s truth–his light. (Go see it when you can.)
We also launch today a new US Renewal website. It contains blogs, books, and videos that I’ve been updating for four years to preserve what God’s given (legacy items) to help fill your life with “light.”
This blog is one of the most important ones I’ve ever done. I boldly ask you to share it with all of your networks–especially with people who will pray.
Let there be light.
I have been writing for weeks on the growing forces of organized evil that the Western World faces in this part of the 21st century. It’s true that I gaze through a U.S.-centered lens, but my vision includes the entire world. We live in a flattened earth (Thomas Friedman’s term) where global trade, the Information Age and weapons of mass destruction mean that what happens here affects all.
Currently, a battle rages in our culture over what’s true and which worldview will prevail. My new book, River of God: Where Religion Began and Why Grace and Love Will Triumph, debuts in a few weeks. The first chapter mentions the “Lies” that currently cascade upon us. The final chapter explains the worldview battles we face–and which one will triumph.
Today I want to expose some of the lies and deceptions being hurtled at us and hopefully ignite a tsunami of prayer for God’s light to prevail.
Interestingly, both The International House of Prayer and the Mission America Coalition called for heightened intercession this week. I learned of IHOP’s call from a prophetic warning by George Otis, Jr. whom I deeply respect.
New Mission America president, evangelist Nick Hall, simultaneously mobilized the MAC network for special prayer for America as they embark on a 70-city tour to call the nation to revival. Dr. Billy Graham said this about the MAC project:
“Our nation stands in great need of a genuine spiritual awakening. I strongly support the goals of the Mission America Coalition and pray God will use it to bring a new wave of evangelism and spiritual awakening to our nation and our world.”
I will list in point form some areas in which we must cry out passionately to God for His Light to fill our nation and drive out the darkness. After each point, I will help you “pray the information” by concluding with:
Let There Be Light.
Living and Loving God, hear our prayers:
- That the special counsel investigation of possible Trump collusion with Russia in the 2016 election will reveal the truth and nothing but the truth, and not be used for political purposes.
Let There Be Light.
- That facts will confirm or deny a recent Newt Gingrich assertion that Obama Administration was one of the most corrupt U.S. administrations of all time–using the Justice Department, IRS, and other forms of power to manipulate the American people and weaken the United States
Let There Be Light.
- That George Mueller’s special prosecutor power and the recent indictments will stay focused on their sole mandate–Russia collusion with Donald Trump–and not meaningless rabbit-trails that obscure the truth.
Let There Be Light.
- That the corruption and selling out of the American people over the Uranium One deal, spear-headed by Bill and Hillary Clinton (in which over 140 million dollars came to the Clinton Foundation) that allowed Vladimir Putin to gain control of one-fifth of America’s uranium–the core substance for making nuclear bombs–will be exposed and judged.
Let There Be Light.
- That those involved in paying for and peddling the fake Trump-Russian Dossier will be exposed and brought to justice. Clinton campaign, Obama campaign funds, and Democratic Party monies (to the tune of millions of dollars) paid for the fictional dirt. This is the real Russian collusion story that is not being reported by the secular mainstream media.
Let There Be Light.
- That ALL Deep State operatives and moles, currently embedded within vast government departments in Washington, D.C., will be flushed out and fired. That America will not become a corrupt and unjust banana republic without rule of law and respect for our God-ordained Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Let There Be Light.
- That George Mueller, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein’s knowledge of Russian bribery, money laundering, and racketeering efforts related to the Uranium One deal with be exposed and prosecuted. That George Mueller will realize his clear conflict of interest and step down from his special prosecutor role.
Let There Be Light.
- That the truth will become known about who killed John F. Kennedy from the release of the archive papers by the Trump Administration. May it either confirm the lone gun-man actions by Lee Harvey Oswald, or break the back of the Deep State conspiracy that led to the assassination of our 35th president.
Let There Be Light.
- Reveal the associations, money sources and true designs of the Antifa movement in America and break the back of its power to tear down the America nation through propaganda and anarchy. Crush and eliminate the evil power of anarchist booster George Soros.
Let There Be Light.
- Silence the enemy’s voice regarding the desecration and removal of American statues and artifacts that honor our founders. Yesterday’s heroes and patriots must not be be-smirched by today’s politically-correct activists.
May the leaders of Christ Church of Alexandria, who voted to remove a plaque of George Washington (one of their founding members) from their church for “inclusivist” reasons, change their PC policy.
Let There Be Light.
- Send revival and godly administrators & professors to our institutions of Higher Learning where a growing “snowflake culture” portends to undermine future generations of leadership in America.
Let There Be Light.
- Open our high school and college campuses and their venues to wholesome and constructive free speech events and movements that will sharpen and not diminish the desire to know the truth which will set and keep us free.
Let There Be Light.
- That both the Republican and Democratic establishment leaders, desperately trying to hold onto power in our nation’s capital and not serving the needs of the people, would be exposed and voted out of office by a renewed electorate–beginning in the 2018 elections.
Let There Be Light.
- That the Democrat Party blockade of pro-Constitution judges who are being voted on in the United States Senate would be stopped by an outcry of the American people.
Let There Be Light.
- That Congress would pass historic tax cuts for American tax payers and businesses to increase their competiveness in the world economy and our ability to bless the world.
Let There Be Light.
- That revelations of sexual harassment in Hollywood and business would lead to real change and nation-wide cleansing from ALL the evils of sexual sin.
Let There Be Light.
- That the persecution of followers of Christ in many nations would be halted in the name of compassion and justice. That those being persecuted would be strengthened by God to be faithful to the end.
Let There Be Light.
- That North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would be removed from power and that North and South Korea would be re-united as were East and West Germany a generation ago. That all nuclear weapons would be removed from the Korean Peninsula.
Let There Be Light.
- For a revival of truth and honesty in the American media so that the United States will be encouraged to stay the “land of the free and home of the brave.”
Let There Be Light.
- That the Church in the USA would experience a Heaven-sent revival that would impact every city, town and neighborhood for the glory of Jesus. That the love and fear of God would be restored to our families and institutions in every part of the American nation.
Let There Be Light.
Five hundred years ago today, the German church woke up to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, nailed to the Wittenberg Door. His heart-cry for renewal led to the Protestant Reformation which blessed the world for half a millennia.
in 2017, we stand at a water-shed turning point in American and world history. This could be our darkest hour–if evil forces prevail. Only desperate, repentant prayer to a just and holy God can eradicate our nation’s malevolent moral cancer.
God is Light (1 John 1:5). Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). He commissioned his followers to be salt and light for Him. (Matthew 5:13-16).
Shine, Jesus, Shine by Graham Kendrick remains one of my favorite all time choruses. Let us unite in agreement around his powerful words and pray them into reality.
Lord, the light of your love is shining
In the midst of the darkness, shining
Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
Set us free by the truth you now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me
Shine, Jesus, shine!
Fill this land with the Father’s glory
Blaze, Spirit, blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord, and let there be light!
it is time for all god-fearing americans to put down your telephone,your beer can and the ice-cream and look at what the government in washington,both washington state and the district of columbia are trying to do to the people that are working to help trump to clean-up the swamp .the govenor in olympia is trying to turn this state into a commune for communist leftist bums.hollering free drugs,free food, free housing to all the non-working useless drug addicts on the west coast. the democrats are trying to turn our great country into a communist/marxist commune for idiots that can not think or do for themselves. the cradle to grave control of our everyday lives is a growing factor.. they think that they know what is best for everybody,they are in a sense outlawing free speech ,the colleges will not let a republican even talk about why they are for cleaning up washington d.c. they think the koran should be taught in school where the bible can not be openly read or talked about..it is time to take back our country from the marxist homosexuals that are running the state and country.put god back in the home and government.
Good word, Ron. Powerful declarations! May we, the Church, rise up and exercise the authority that is ours through Christ. As deep darkness covers the earth the Lord will rise over us and His glory will be seen upon us. Amen!