House Speaker Mike Johnson: A Divine Appointment?

I was upset with Rep. Matt Goetz R-FL when he used the new House rules (with the support of seven others) to oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Republican infighting ensued causing numerous speaker nominees to be rejected. I felt that could damage a much needed “red wave” in the 2024 elections. I surmised that if the Democrats were “terrible” in their current policies, then the R’s were “stupid.”
I was wrong. The Republicans, by unanimous vote, made Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana the 56th Speaker of the House.
He appears to be a divine appointment.
House Speaker Mike Johnson: A Divine Appointment?
Rep. Mike Johnson is one of the most humble and biblically grounded House speakers we’ve ever had in the “People’s House” in America. He possesses strong faith in God. He lives by a biblical worldview from his marriage to his politics. He’s also humble, willing to listen, and a servant leader when it comes to exercising power.
His elevation seems to be a God-thing–a divine appointment–in the midst of the American cultural Civil War which rages across the nation. As third in line to be president of the United States, he appears a wonderful choice that was orchestrated by Heaven.
See his first speech just after his confirmation vote. Read here what he really believes.
Researcher Jim Collins who wrote the highly renowned book Good to Great says that Level One (great) leaders of companies or nations have an amazing balance of personal humility and corporate tenacity for achieving results.
That’s new House Speaker Mike Johnson.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who also lamented the ouster of Kevin McCarthy, quickly pivoted to embracing the speakership of Mike Johnson:
Now, he is the 56th speaker of the House. The Republican National Committee just put out seven principles for new House Speaker Johnson. The principles include: freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and human dignity. Ronald Reagan would have agreed with each one of these principles.
I think it speaks well of Speaker Johnson that he can represent a solid conservative position of deep faith and commitment – and do so in a positive, friendly way that doesn’t alienate people. This approach could open up a dialog and help him achieve his goals as Speaker.
No wonder the secular progressive press have sharpened their knives. After gleefully watching the Republicans seemingly make fools of themselves over the removal of the first House speaker in history, they fear that a humble man of God has taken his place who will point the American nation toward spiritual and societal renewal.
Gary Randall explains:
MAGA Extremist Mike Johnson is not fit to lead the House of Representatives,” Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, before Johnson won the speaker vote Wednesday. Among other things, she faulted Johnson for having “worked previously for an SPLC-identified hate group.” And he is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-biblical principles, and conservative…And he supports Israel, and he is a devout Christian. ‘Away with him’ the Left is shouting.
None of these positions are extreme. Speaker Mike Johnson clearly understands how the biblical worldview once made America safe, free, moral, and prosperous. He wants to lead (with humility) a revival of America’s political culture.
I believe the heavens are smiling.
Mike Johnson understands the true meaning of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution–a subject I’ve written on many times: “Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
That means:
- No federally sanctioned church with paid clergy through taxation.
- Complete freedom of religious practice by every American.
- Favoring the majority worldview of the people–Judeo-Christian–in public life.
He simply opposes the secular leftist spin on the First Amendment. He’s also right to do so. First, contrary to secular claims, the First Amendment was grounded in a theological premise famously articulated by George Mason—that discharging the duty we owe to our Creator requires a context of freedom.
Second, the Framers weren’t “neutral” on the value of religion for society. In his April speech, Johnson argued that “a free society and a healthy republic depend upon religious and moral virtue.” This isn’t a sectarian belief, but a view the Framers widely agreed upon.
Johnson pointed to George Washington and John Adams. George Washington said in his Farewell Address, “religion and morality are indispensable supports” of political prosperity. Adams similarly said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”
The Framers, Johnson noted, “believed in liberty that is legitimately constrained by common sense and morality and a healthy fear of the Creator who granted all men our rights.”
Only someone ignorant of or hostile to the American Founding could think these arguments are a threat to rather than a defense of the constitutional order.
One day while when I lived and worked on Capitol Hill during the 1980’s, I went into the U.S. Rotunda and saw three men in nice suits obviously praying together in a corner of the room. When they finished, I went up and introduced myself. They were new members of Congress who came into the Capitol Rotunda each Monday to fast and pray for America.
I was impressed.
They took me to a corner of the magnificent Capitol dome into an area that was off limits to the public. They showed me a private room–a small “chapel”–with a stained glass window of George Washington on his knees in prayer. In later years, I received permission to give the national youth leaders of America a tour of the “George Washington Chapel” where we stood and interceded for the youth of our nation.
Rachel M. Emmanuel reported that Mike Johnson took Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany to that very prayer room this week. He told her he was going to start each morning in prayer in front of the picture of George Washington on his knees, asking for wisdom and guidance.
That’s the kind of leader we need in America right now.
I believe Congressman Mike Johnson is a David for today. That may sound dramatic until you learn the back story, and watch Speaker Johnson’s acceptance speech, and see how his first action as Speaker was to call his caucus to prayer.
Mike Johnson was conceived in an unmarried, teen mom’s womb. A man whose firefighter father was disabled and then died of cancer before he was sworn in to Congress, A man whose wife is an intercessor. A man who prayed along with six other members of Congress after Nancy Pelosi lost the speakership. A man who prayed for the right person to fill that office and then became the answer to his prayer.
It is an answer that only God could have divinely orchestrated. We are in full agreement that Speaker Mike Johnson is the man who has been anointed by God for such a time as this.
Speaker Johnson has already been accused of being a “Christian Nationalist.” Here’s what that means. The secular-progressives despise both Christians and Jews. They also hate nations (think open borders) and want a one world (atheistic) order.
I believe House Speaker Mike Johnson has been called to significant leadership in America. He’s only 51 years old, and, Lord-willing, will be around for decades to come.
Pray for him, and for America.
Always good to hear from you, Tim. As you know, David French has quite a reputation for being a liberal progressive “evangelical.” Writing for the NY Times makes a good fit worldview-wise.
I believe in and respect Mike Pence just as much as Mike Johnson. He just didn’t get any traction in the Republican race because of a very deep bench. My first choice is Ron DeSantis due to his faith, worldview, courage, and excellent governance in Florida. No wonder people are leaving our states in droves (California and Washington) to live in Sunshine State.
But we agree that Jesus is the answer to the problems we face and the need for salvation. May both of us continue to be faithful to his call.
David French an evangelical journalist now writing for the NY Times says the following about the dishonesty of Mike Johnson in regards to the Big Lie. “This is precisely indicative of the political ruthlessness that’s overtaken evangelical Republicans. They are inflexible about policy positions even when the Bible is silent or vague. They are flexible about morality even when the Bible is clear. One Christian man tells the truth (Pence), and it kills his career. Another Christian man helps lead one of the most comprehensively dishonest and dangerous political and legal efforts in American history, and he gets the speaker’s gavel.” The full article can be read at
Prayers Answered; with the election of House Speaker, Mike Johnson. Truly believe our country has turned a corner. Thank you, Ron; for your words and wisdom. Jan
Ron, writing from Lutsk, Ukraine on day 12 of a 29 day trip to Brazil, Kurdistan, Poland, Ukraine, Armenia and Russia doing prayer breakfasts. I read the articles about the new speaker yesterday and wept. God has ordained this wonderful servant of Jesus Christ. Thanks for your well-written summary of this great news.
Thank you Ron, for this timely and interesting post! Love the details you have given to us! I’m going to be sharing some of this at our Republican’s Women’s luncheon tomorrow! There were several prophets I listen to that said the Lord was in the ousting of McCarthy…..I prayed in agreement and thank the Lord for His amazing answer to MANY prayers! God is saving America so many may yet be saved for eternity!
I was thinking that the closer than expected 2020 mid-term elections creating a closely divided house also made the election of someone like Johnson impossible. But to my surprise, it had the opposite effect. Just 8 Republican Congressmen were able to block more career-entrenched, get-along-go-along Republicans to give up on electing another “company man” (swamp creature) and make Johnson’s election possible. God works in mysterious ways.
I for one remember all the Republican broken promises over the year. Bush ran against a foreign policy of nation-building in other countries, only to make it a linchpin of his time in office. Remember when the Republicans congressmen and senators ran in 2016 to end Obamacare. Then they had no alternative ready when Trump was elected, and couldn’t even get a majority vote with control of both houses to defund Obamacare. Prior Republican Presidents until Trump muffed Supreme Court nominees over and over again, playing footsy with the American Bar Association recommendations. Key justices ended up supporting the terrible Roe v. Wade decision, affirmative action, or worse ended up voting consistently with liberals–remember Souter. Bush’s Chief Justice Roberts used an argument never presented in the Obamacare appeal to create out of whole cloth justification for Obamacare, essentially turning legislature and making manatory fees a tax–something Obama and Democrat legislatures assured us it was not. But Trump did even more on the courts. He rejected giving Senators veto power over the selection of justices, putting conservative justices on liberal appeals courts all over the country. We need principled conservative, America-first outsiders in government who are unconcerned about feathering their nests for big buck jobs when they leave office and want to do what’s best for the country. Johnson appears to be one these. I am cautiously hopeful.
Hope all is well with you.