Democratic Party Implosion

I accidently splashed some selenium sulfide in my eyes last week and haven’t been able to read or write (missed my first blog in eighteen years).
My physical vision is coming back slowly.
I’m more concerned about the moral vision of the Democratic Party. A recent poll had Democrats at an all-time low for “positive views” at seven percent. Wow. They remain leaderless, sat on their hands at the Trump address before a Joint Session of Congress, and caved on the recent continuing resolution.
Is the party that gave us Jefferson, Jackson, FDR, and Kennedy dying?
My thoughts on the current Dem implosion.
Democrat Party Implosion.
While my eyes heal, I’ll let former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich share his perspective. He doesn’t see an imminent “death” of the 197-year old party, but something close to that.
He calls them the “Zombie Democrats.”
President Trump’s Golden Age Versus the Zombie Democrats
By Newt Gingrich
Callista and I were guests of Speaker Mike Johnson at President Donald J. Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress.
Our seats were directly above the House Democrats. It was a really amazing place to be.
We could see President Trump clearly. We were directly across from the First Lady and their guests.
But it was truly fun looking down on the House Democrats and watching their reactions to the speech.
No matter what President Trump said, the House Democrats sat on their hands and stared. They were in endurance mode. You had to wonder why they even attended the speech.
To Speaker Johnson’s credit, the Republicans thought through the possibility of some Democrats being genuinely disruptive. They clearly worked with the House Sergeant at Arms to think through how to handle disruptions. The Speaker has an obligation to maintain the decorum of the House and respect for the House’s guest, in this case the President of the United States.
As soon as Congressman Al Green tried to disrupt the proceedings, Speaker Johnson intervened decisively and respectfully. He perfectly captured the sense of decorum for the House as an institution.
First, Speaker Johnson read from the rules reminding everyone that there was an obligation to maintain order and respect. When Green continued, Speaker Johnson calmly read from the rules that the Sergeant at Arms would remove him if he persisted. Green kept being obnoxious, so Speaker Johnson calmly ordered him removed from the House chamber. Green was peacefully escorted out.
After that calm display of authority – and willingness to use the Sergeant at Arms – no other Democrats were aggressively disruptive. The closest thing to a demonstration was three Democratic congresswomen who took off their outer garments to reveal T-shirts which read “Resist.” They quietly left after making their point.
As we watched, Republicans came across the middle aisle to occupy Democratic seats as Democrats left the House Chamber. The result was a small but enthusiastic group of Republicans standing and applauding even though they were on the Democratic side.
As the evening went on, House Democrats refused to applaud for anything. They didn’t applaud the capture of a terrorist. They didn’t react to a conciliatory letter from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They didn’t show appreciation for a 13-year-old cancer survivor. They didn’t acknowledge the wives, mothers, and children of victims of illegal immigrants. They didn’t clap for a hostage returned from Russia and his 95-year-old mother. Through all this, it occurred to me that the Democrats looked like zombies.
Of course, the House Democrats have become so far left they couldn’t possibly applaud President Trump’s recitation of core values. They learned nothing from the 2024 election. On popular issue after popular issue, the Zombie Democrats are locked in their commitment to deeply unpopular ideas.
For example, are there two genders? According to our polling and research at America’s New Majority Project, 75 percent of Americans think so – but not the Zombie Democrats. Should boys be blocked from playing women’s sports? A NORC poll found 66 percent of Americans think so – but not the Zombie Democrats. Should English be the official language of the United States? Eighty-one percent of Americans think so – but not the Zombie Democrats. Should merit and performance be the basis for hiring and promotion? Again, 81 percent of Americans think so – but not the Zombie Democrats.
President Trump and the majority of Americans are on one side of these issues, and the Zombie Democrats are on the other.
The scale of accomplishments in President Trump’s first 32 days in office is stunning. The administration was announcing new efforts right up to the time of his speech. President Trump and his team are steadily moving forward on a broad front.
Importantly, the speech did not stop with the present. President Trump made a strong case for an emerging Golden Age of technological innovation, economic growth, national security, and exploration.
If the American people get to choose between President Trump’s Golden Age and the Zombie Democratic Party’s commitment to unpopular values and hostile behavior, the 2026 election may be even better than I expect.
In a second post on Democrat “Zombie” behavior Newt Gingrich concluded:
The ultimate example of zombie behavior in the Democratic Party was the replacement of President Biden by Vice President Kamala Harris. President Biden had won every primary. He had a virtually unanimous delegation which would have dominated the Democratic National Convention. Vice President Harris had received zero votes. Yet within a few hours, the zombies took down Biden and elevated Harris.
In a party which had spent four years lecturing about democracy, this instant switch would only have been possible in a party of zombies. They did as they were told. Applauded when they were told. And lied to themselves when they were told.
It will be interesting to see how House Democrats deal with the challenges of a dynamic, creative, and aggressive Republican Party. I expect President Trump will cheerfully run circles around the House Democrat zombies just as he did Tuesday night.
The imploding Democratic Party calls itself the “resistance” and sings “We Shall Overcome.” Resist and overcome what?
- A democratically won election on November 5 (and cultural mandate with it)?
- Stopping the illegal invasion at the border?
- Ensuring that men compete with men and women with women in sports?
- The fraud, waste, and bloat of the U.S. government (created by both parties)?
- Cutting taxes for all Americans?
- Getting rid of useless and restrictive regulations?
- Helping their constituents achieve the American dream?
- Bringing law and order to our major cities?
- Achieving peace in the Middle East and the Russia-Ukraine War?
- A golden age of energy independence, technological marvels, and spiritual awakening?
If they intend to resist and overcome these and main other marks of a society experiencing social-political renewal, then what do they really stand for?
That’s becoming obvious: They want to destroy historic America–its faith and its freedom.
Last week President Trump released the most faith-based Lenten proclamation I have ever seen by a U.S. president. You can read it here–and rejoice in its truthful goodness.
Does the Democratic Party want to resist and overcome that also?
Then they’re fighting against God–and not for us.
President Trump has many flaws. So do you and I. But despite them, he has built an amazing coalition of people who are committed to renewing the social fabric of the American nation to its former goodness and greatness.
If the Democratic Party resists that movement, they just may implode.
While life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are being revived across the fruited plain.
A sad one sided opinion. Trump and doge throwing so many illegal, un constitution things out there and hope they stick to the wall. We are finally seeing some reversals through our constitutional court system. The republican house and senate have a job to do and they look away even when they know it’s wrong for the American people.
As for his speech to congress and his more than thirty lies. The most digesting was using a young black cancer survivor as a prop, after he/Elon. Cut children cancer research. Are you proud or because you don’t see that cutting USID and starving children around the world show no empathy.
So sad for you.
Thanks for writing, Chris. You didn’t react to any of the facts (information) in my blog, so I assume you read it with a certain bias toward President Trump and the policies of his administration.
As I said in the article, the president has many flaws (as do you and I). But he is energetically restoring the worldview that made America the greatest nation in history (faith and freedom), and in that I rejoice.
I assume “Chris” is the shortened version of “Christopher.” Your name means “Light-bearer.” I will pray for you that you become a beacon of light in this generation–for the glory of God.