Let’s start the New Year by being fair and balanced.
Most of you know that I enjoy Fox News for its overall Judeo-Christian outlook on life and current events. Fox is a breath of fresh air in the media world where left wing ideologies and a secular view of reality usually prevail. In past columns, I have shown this is one reason that Fox has become the leading cable news station in America.
Nearly fifty percent of Americans watch Fox News.
Recently, however, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, made a huge gaffe on the Hannity Show. Let’s examine his blunder, and use the occasion to talk about about football star Michael Vick, redemption, and the truth as it applies to people and animals.
Tucker Carlson, a staunch conservative, is confused. Maybe some others are too.
Here’s what happened.
Read MoreShirley and I recently enjoyed a day at the eighth largest fair in the world–The Puyallup Fair. Located in Puyallup, Washington, thirty miles south of Seattle, the “Western Washington Fair” sports a delightful twenty acres filled with carnival rides, animal shows and displays, a rodeo, stadium concerts, and numerous buildings filled with art, hobbies, flowers, and every consumer good imaginable (all at unbeatable fair prices!)
We “ate our way” through the Fair enjoying corn-on-the-cob, elephant ears, smoothies, ice cream swirls, and famous country scones. It was a memorable day filled with delicious sights and sounds and many reminders of our illustrious western history and way of life.
But I also learned something else at the Fair. I was reminded of two spectacular lies that were told to the Baby Boom Generation in the 60s and 70s that haunt us to this day:
Read MoreIslam seems to be much in the news these days.
Of course, there is a reason for this. Islam is on the rise in the West and is now coming into close contact with our Judeo-Christian civilization. That never happened during America’s first two hundred years, and it was not on anyone’s radar screen during my childhood either.
However, the 1970s saw a resurgence of Wahhabiism (radical Islam) that has placed Islam on a collision course with other nations and cultures. In the Western World (Europe and America), an epic worldview battle is being raged between three worldviews.
One of them is true faith, another is false faith and the third is no faith. Europe and America’s choice of “faith” will determine their fate in the next generation.
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Sometimes things are not as they seem. They appear to be one thing, but in reality they are something far different from how they project themselves.
The United States is currently facing two immense cultural battles that fit in this category of intended deception. What’s an “intended deception?”
That’s the dictionary meaning of a LIE. So what are some areas where we are being lied to–where things are not as they seem?
Read MoreOr “Why Conservatives Want Moral Restraints and Business Freedoms.” Both of these statements could be the title for today’s subject. I was tempted to put both in one long sentence, but that would have only worked two hundred years ago when titles were long. This article is also about “Freedom and Form” in human societies. That also could have been the title.…
Read MoreThe following article is brilliant both for its exposure of the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion movement (and relatively free pass given to Muslim terrorists) as well as its detailing of the evil practices of George Tiller, the late, late-term abortionist and his political accomplices. Though I wrote recently that “Murder is Always a Wrong Moral Choice,” Ann…
Read MoreI’m in Southern California right now with my family which really brought the seriousness of this story to mind. Do Bible-believing Christians understand that a season of persecution could be right around the corner in this nation? Actually, not around the corner: Recently, it showed up at the front door in San Diego county. The…
Read MoreThe 4th of July.
We say it differently than other dates because it has a special meaning in America’s history.
The 15th of April.
Read MoreOn April 15, 2009 millions of modern day patriots of our American Christian nation will do a very peaceful and Christian-like protest of the present misguided and irresponsible course of our Federal Government and many state governments. “Change We Can Believe In” has become a “Nightmare We Can’t Tolerate”–and less than one hundred days into the…
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