The Grave Danger of Organized Evil in Our Time: Part 1

I have many concerns about the 21st century, from terrorism to tyrants with nukes, from mass refugee migration to the breakdown of morals and family life in the civilized world. But one of those concerns is currently “on the march” in America in ways we have never seen. Just this past weekend we saw it…

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Let’s Blame Sin–Not Race or Turn Signals

The violence in Charlottesville, Virginia over the past weekend is stirring many passions and story lines.

The Trump-Is-Wrong-About-Everything liberal press used the occasion to slam the president’s response on day one, then stayed cynical on day three when he got more specific.

Many newspapers created the impression that Nazi-sympathizers and white supremacists are taking over the nation–while progressive anarchist groups actually out number them by hundreds of thousands. Others painted the cultural battle as Left versus Right.

I have a better idea. 

Let’s blame sin–not race or turn signals. That might bring revival and reconciliation to America.

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Doggone It! Animals Are Not Human. Do We Get That?

One of the perks of living six decades plus is watching culture change over time. Words alter meanings due to incremental usage. Cultural norms diverge as fads or emphases come and go.

But the greatest influence that brings cultural change is the change in worldview that a society holds to–coming either suddenly (through revolution) or slowly (by way of “drip-feed” indoctrination).

The Western World faces the latter problem today. Our two thousand year Bible-based civilization (in varying degrees) is being steadily replaced with a man-centered, atheistic or secular view of life.

One interesting exhibit in our culture? How we treat pets as opposed to a generation ago.

But animals are not human. Do we get that? What happens if we don’t?

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Why Free Speech in the 60s is Being Banned This Century

Some of us are old enough to remember the “free speech movement” of the 1960s.  It featured bully pulpits on the Berkeley, California campus (and many other universities) that championed the right to say what you please. The leaders of the movement proclaimed the “right to free speech.”

That’s a good thing. Freedom of speech is paramount in our Constitution based on the inalienable rights that God gives each human being.

The free speech movement took place during the height of the Vietnam conflict, the hippie culture. and the overall youth free love/sexual revolution. The young dreamers demanded their right to speak out. They said that “freedom” was the issue.

But today’s generation is actively squelching free speech–at Berkeley and many other bastions of education.  

Why was free speech sacred in the 60s but now banned by the same people this century?

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Media War: My Advice to the President, the Press & the People

Like most people, I’ve been sickened by the recent media war between President Trump and CNN (and the rest of the liberal media at large). I hope the feud settles down this Fourth of July as we remember the birth of our nation 241 years ago. As one author termed it, the emergence of the…

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Did Donald Trump Save America?

I didn’t write the title to this article nor the article itself.

But I could have (and wish I did). I have been thinking for months why Donald Trump succeeded in becoming the 45th president of the United States.

I’ve also been pondering what might have happened if he didn’t.

Then Dennis Prager produced this column which became a number one read all over the Internet and blogosphere. He put into words what many of us had been thinking.

Did Donald Trump save America?

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Resisting American Renewal

A flurry of stories in the news this week highlight the worldview clash taking place in the United States.

President Trump’s Saturday tweets–that his team was wiretapped by the Obama Administration in the run-up to the November election–was the first jaw dropper. Then the new Wikileaks missive exposed more secrets of the CIA. Next, repeal and replace Obamacare ramped up.

Before that we witnessed women’s marches, the Democrats slow-walking appointments on Capitol Hill, and other intelligence turmoil and leaks while a new American Administration tried to get on its feet.

What’s going on in the world’s oldest democracy? It’s plain and simple.

A multi-front war has been launched to resist an American renewal.

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Women's March 2017

You’ve Sunk a Long Way, Baby: An Appeal to American Women

I was deeply saddened by the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. It was neither spontaneous nor noble. It was peaceful for the most part, but reveals a largely unreported problem.

What it demonstrates is how far some women in America have wandered from their hallowed place in the history of the United States. It might be true to say:

You’ve sunk a long way, baby.

I appeal to the women of America to lead us back to goodness.

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Women's March

The Trump Inaugural Ignites a World View Civil War

I hope you watched some of the inauguration activities of America’s 45th president, Donald J. Trump, on January 20, 2017. Hundreds of thousands of people came to Washington, D.C. for the event and prayed for, listened to and supported the new POTUS.

The next day, hundreds of thousands of women marched and rallied on the National Mall. Other marches also took place in some America cities and nations. It was quite a weekend. Two events. Two different groups, messages and behaviors.

Here’s my take: The Trump Inaugural has ignited a worldview civil war in the United States.

What does that mean and where do you stand?

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New Year 2017

My View of the World–2017

Happy New Year to you all, in the year of our Lord 2017. 

Scientists/theologians now speculate that Jesus Christ was born sometime between 4-6 BC. That means it’s actually been 2021-23 years since His incarnation, and roughly 1988-91 years since Jesus’ death and resurrection changed the world (the focus of my previous blogs). 

So what is my view of the world in 2017?  

I hope it encourages you. 

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