Let’s Fill the World With Kindness

This week Elon Musk did a “kind” act for free speech by buying Twitter. Vladimir Putin continues to do the opposite of kindness to the people of Ukraine.

 The final two character qualities found in 2 Peter 1:7 are in many ways the best. They’re beautiful, tender attributes that round out the spectrum of Christlikeness.

The first is the beautiful and encouraging quality of kindness.

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Self Control: The Number One Quality of a Leader

We’ve been discussing the character qualities necessary to both survive the turbulent 2020’s and also to thrive in advancing God’s Kingdom purposes on earth.

Our first article discussed the primacy of virtue–having a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Last week we looked at developing truthful knowledge in our lives–though deeper thinking, reading, writing and choosing your sources of input carefully.

Now we turn to the quality necessary for achieving the above.

It’s also the number one quality of a leader.

Self control.

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Truthful Knowledge in an Era of Deception

One of the greatest problems in our rapidly changing world is finding the truth due to  government coverups, Big Tech censorship, and the erosion of biblical principles.

Fake News is becoming the norm.

Starting with virtuous hearts, we must personally turn our attention to the mind. 2 Peter 1:5 tells us:

“And to your virtue, add knowledge.”

How do we find truthful knowledge in a era of deception?

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