Pride is Usually a Sin

June used to be known as the “wedding” month when a man and woman came together in holy matrimony, usually in a church, to demonstrate the God-given origin and covenant of marriage.

Our wedding, though not in June, took place on October 10, 1976, before 300 people at Harper Church. The wedding announcement stated: “We believe that the wonderful God of the universe has called us to serve him together in the beauty of holiness.”

Today the month of June has become “Pride Month” with numerous parades and celebrations around the nation. Some members of the current administration want it to become “Pride Summer.”

That’s problematic. 

Pride is usually a sin.

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Jesus and the Power Domains

If you’re like me, you might find it difficult at times to stay positive and balanced while gazing at the precipitous decline of Western and American culture around you.

Watching the news is depressing. Evil forces have been unleashed in our world (through human choices) to destroy people and nations from within. It wouldn’t take much for nuclear bombs and cyber attacks to strike from outside.

How do we stay faith full while watching the deterioration around us?

Here’s a helpful perspective on Jesus and the Power Domains.

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Not Following Science, the Bible, or Even Common Sense

We were lied to on many levels during the Covid Pandemic. 

The suppression of truth, included the most likely origin of the virus (the Wuhan Lab), the foolishness of shutting down businesses, the false promises of vaccines, the six-foot “social distancing” quirk, and most debilitating–being forced to wear masks.

We now “know the science.” And pity the people still fearfully wearing masks in public.

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