The Way of Godliness

I hope you have a blessed Holy Week celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. He revealed God’s heart of love on the Cross and provided a way to be reconciled to Him.

The last few weeks we’ve discussed four qualities essential for achieving our God-given destinies. They are needed to traverse the pains and tribulations of the 21st century. Number five brings them all together.

In 2 Peter 1:6, Peter encourages us, “And to your perseverance, add godliness.”

What is the key to becoming a godly person?

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Fifty Years as a Disciple of Jesus – 1972-2022

For many decades I have used December to organize my life, plan and pray about the coming year, and set goals for God’s remaining “assignments” in my life.

Every year I create a list called “My Numbered Days” (Psalm 90:12) to fine-tune God’s priorities for the next twelve months. Then, I put those items in the front of my Prayer Diary and refer to it often.

This habit comes from a commitment to discipleship–living as a disciplined follower of Jesus for the days he gives me on earth.

2022 is a special year of discipleship for me. Here’s why.

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Alice Cooper Comes Home to Jesus

I remember two famous “Coopers” in my youth. D.B. Cooper hijacked an airplane and “parachuted out” in my home state never to be heard from again. The other was Alice Cooper, a guy with a weird name who became a legendary rock star.

I hadn’t thought of Alice Cooper for many years when a friend of mine splashed a headline that made my heart sing.

Here is a thanksgiving story about how Alice Cooper came home to Jesus.

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