What I Learned from Martin Luther (Again)
I was born and raised a Lutheran. During confirmation classes, I laughed wildly at Martin Luther being tried by a “Diet of Worms.” (“Diet” meant “Council” and “Worms” was the city where the gathering took place.)
You get the drift of my teenage stupidity.
Five years hence, I learned two invaluable things from the German Reformer that I missed in confirmation class. Now fifty years later, I’m rediscovering the same two pillars of truth.
Here’s what I learned from Martin Luther (Again).
The Baptism Revival
In the closing chapter of my autobiography, One Small Life, I analyze the messages of Israel’s greatest prophets–Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Jeremiah prophesied during a time of terminal judgment. He focused on the negative–the sins of a “falling nation.” Isaiah preached repentance also, but in the the second half of his book he gloried in the positive–God’s revival power and Eternal Kingdom.
Both prophets remind me of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (tares). Jesus said both evil and revival would grow simultaneously during the last days. I write often about growing evil to incite us to prayer and action. But let’s focus today on the positive (wheat).
The Baptism Revival.
Why Are They Destroying America?
It’s amazing how current-day radicals are moving at break-neck speed to destroy the United States of America.
Much of the Church is silent about this cultural disintegration, and the masses too self-absorbed by entertaining themselves in the gutter of social media.
Who will stand up to the growing waves of national destruction?