If I Were the Devil
I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories though the blocking of the JFK assassination papers from the public makes me wonder what’s being hidden. Fortunately, in the the next life, everything will be revealed (Luke 12:3). I’m sure we’ll be shocked about “what really took place” in history.
I do believe in one conspiracy the Bible describes and is caricatured in C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters and Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness:
The devil and his demons conspiring to destroy human beings.
During the past one hundred years, if I were the devil, what would I do?
Two Mortal Dangers Amid God’s Rays of Hope
For years I shared the message of Jeremiah around the United States and in other nations of the world.
The prophet spent four decades warning the Hebrew people that four sins were hastening their demise as a nation: 1) Idolatry–putting other things before God, 2) Religious perversion–compromising true worship and practice, 3) Seared Consciences–the blurring of right and wrong, and 4) Human Injustice–hurting people due to the first three.
Judah sinned and fell in 586 B.C. It didn’t recover as a nation for 2500 years until Israel’s rebirth in 1948.
America faces some mortal dangers in this generation–amid some rays of hope.
Be forewarned–and incited to pray.
Who Will Weep for America?
Thursday, May 4, is the National Day of Prayer (NDP) in America.
I had the privilege of helping establish it as the first Thursday in May during the mid to late 1980’s. In 2023, we must tearfully call upon God to revive and restore our nation because we are in grave trouble as a people.
Who will weep for America?