The Complete Gospel on One Special Day

We humans have a penchant for imbalance–in many areas of our lives.

We put on weight, we lose it. We discipline our kids “by the book” as young parents and spoil rotten our grandchildren. We huff and puff about the importance of telling the truth, then succumb to crafting  little white lies.

We do the same thing with the Good News of Jesus Christ. On one hand we know that God hates sin–and we should also. But other times we lavish grace and forget about right and wrong.

On February 23, 2019 God gave the United States a lesson in the balance and wholeness of the Good News.

We saw the complete gospel on one special day.

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Spiritual Deception

Some years ago I read an article in which George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilization, was asked a critical question: “What is the greatest NEED in the world today?”

Verwer replied: “Spiritual revival in the church.”

In the next two articles I’d like to flip that query around and ask a second question for those of us who live in the 21st century: “What is the greatest PROBLEM in the world today?”

Spiritual deception–and its temperature is rising.

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With Liberty and Justice–in Free Fall

In the same manner that faith-based music often ends with a major chord showing completeness and hope in Christ, the Pledge of Allegiance, based on the 5,000 year leap of civil polity found in the United Sates of America, concludes on this triumphant note:

“With liberty and justice for all.”

History had never seen such a government designed for righteous and egalitarian purposes. Despots and strong men ruled the world for millennia. The U.S. shattered that status quo in 1776 and has since led the world in pursuit of freedom and justice.

Not anymore.

The two pillars of a free society to which our children pledge their loyalty are teetering. Liberty and justice are in free fall.

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