Right now I’m dealing with some situations that require wisdom.
One involves an individual where advice is crucial. Another may impact the future of a 140-year old organization. A third relates to a book project. And the last one is what I will eat for dinner so I can keep losing a few pounds.
Just kidding on the last one.
But maybe not. We desperately need wisdom in every area of life–especially the big ones.
What Brings a Decay of Conscience to a Nation
Another tragic school shooting this week reminds of a great decay of conscience we face in America and the Western World.
There are practical solutions that can help. But we need a full-blown revival of conscience to truly stem the tide of evil.
Here are some insights from a great American revivalist–Charles Finney. He tells us what brings a decay of conscience to a once-godly nation.
What I’m Doing Because of What I See
I’m enjoying daily Bible devotions this year using my “original Bible”–the one I cut my teeth on when I first became a disciple. The old, black, leather book is held together with duct tape and contains the New American Standard translation. It’s wildly marked up after decades of study.
I started reading it from cover-to-cover fifty years ago. Daily Bible-reading is probably the most important habit I ever developed in life–and continues to this day. Reading “God’s thoughts” challenges me to be a doer of his words and priorities.
Last week I shared a 30,000-foot view of what I see happening in the world. I would be remiss if I didn’t share what I am doing about it.