Eve of Deception

“Eve of Destruction” was a popular Barry McGuire protest ballad back in the 1960s (written by P.F. Sloan in 1965). It spoke of a world coming apart by the forces of evil  during the peak of the Vietnam War.

McGuire eventually met Jesus as his Lord and Savior and changed his tune from being a harbinger of death to a prophet of life. He has done concerts for our Youth With A Mission constituency on a number of occasions.

Destruction is usually the end result of deception that we now face on a massive scale in the 21st century.

Are we currently experiencing an Eve of Deception?

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Decay of Conscience

Last Saturday Shirley and I drove through one of the established suburbs of our town called “Parkwood.” When we attended school adjacent to it in the late 1960s, the lawns and yards were neatly cut and tidy. 

Today, half of the lawns are weed infested and overgrown. Same is true of many other areas. Post-Covid blues? Another problem with the supply chain (lawnmowers)?

I think not.

We are experiencing an amazing decay of conscience in America.

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