Prophetic Perspective on The West – Ben Shapiro

I have kept a personal diary since 1972. A year ago I turned it into an autobiography called One Small Life: Revival Adventures From My Fifty Year Journal. While writing and arranging the book, it seemed like an interesting idea to make a “Life Calendar” of the most important events and decisions I’d made over a lifetime.

The purpose was to remember God’s goodness and guidance. 

On August 28, 1973 (fifty-one years ago today), at the age 20, I got a glimpse of God’s calling. I listed it this way: “Ezekiel 1:3 – I must speak God’s prophetic message – 1973.”

There are many prophetic voices in our world who have blessed my life and honed the message. Here’s an important perspective on Western Civilization that I want you to ponder.  

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We Need Nimitz Faith This Fourth of July

President Biden’s debate disaster (exposing his deteriorating mental state) and some recent Supreme Court decisions have created a “gust” of possible renewal in the American nation. They are answers to prayer, and I will thoroughly discuss their impact in coming articles.

But this week we celebrate the “Glorious Cause” of the birth of the United States of America on July 4, 1776. As during colonial times, we face some formidable obstacles to the renewal/transformation of our declining civilization.

I believe we needs some sparks of courage and hope this Independence Day as we celebrate America.

We need Nimitz faith this Fourth of July.

Here’s what I mean.

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See What God is Doing and Join In

I recently attended a local pastors meeting to share a burden on my heart. I wanted the leaders to be inspired by God’s current work in our nation/world and get involved.

I specifically encouraged them to promote the Baptism Revival in our area. A “Summer of Baptisms” is exploding throughout the USA in answer to prayer. So far, the largest expression (possibly in history) took place a month ago in Southern California when 14,000 people gave their lives to Jesus and were baptized in the ocean.

The water’s too cold in the Northwest for that, but I told the pastors that lakes, pools, and hot tubs would work fine.

I wanted them to experience the current move of God’s Spirit.

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