From Whom All Blessings Flow

When I was a child, a treasured family tradition at Thanksgiving and other holidays was to sing the “Doxology” as a family. We stood in a circle before eating our meal and lifted out voices:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all people here below. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

We knew to WHOM we should give thanks.

Don’t forget the “whom” this Thanksgiving.

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If You Pray Upon a Star

Is there any doubt that Hollywood, for the past three generations, has strongly influenced the morals of the West as well as the entire world?

Both films and their stars have used the power of media-story-telling to encourage sex outside of marriage, promote numerous progressive causes and generally turn Western culture away from faith and purity to secular relativism in all its forms.

But people have been praying for Hollywood–and it appears that God is moving.

If you pray upon a star.

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The Great Turning Away

Not long ago a friend on the east coast went through a major moral failure. After much prayer and sharing, I sent an email to him sharing my best advice on righting his personal life.

Because he was not a believer, I decided to appeal through a popular concept that contained sound biblical principles. That teaching is called “Confronting the Brutal Facts.”

We need that same truth today to face what might be the most consequential development of our lives.

History may one day call it “The Great Turning Away.”

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