Capitol Riot Ignites Fascist Fury in America

Riots are always evil because they’re violent, selfish, and lack self-control–the key quality of a self-governing people.  

It is no mistake that God inspired the Apostle Paul to place “self-control” at the end of his list of godly character qualities (Galatians 5:19-23). It is the one that controls all others.

All who participated in the Capitol riot should be prosecuted and jailed. Their behavior led to five deaths, property damage, fear among our lawmakers and angst among the populace.

But the Capitol riot has now ignited a far greater evil in America. 

Fascist fury has been unleashed.

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The Problem of Depravity–and the Coming Election

Watching the actions of various groups in America recently got me thinking about one of the “basics of life.”

While progressives and anarchists looted and burned many cities blaming racism, police, and social injustice, people of faith came to Washington, D.C. (and all over the nation) to repent and self-identify with the sins of the nation.

One worldview blamed out-siders for their problems. The other blamed themselves.

The “blame others” crowd might prevail and elect Joe Biden our next president if you believe today’s polls.


It’s a problem of depravity and the coming election.

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Satan, Soros, September 26 and the Debate

Twenty-nine million people listened to the first 2020 presidential debate last night. 

Donald Trump interrupted his opponent too often. Joe Biden looked canned and plastic. And Chris Wallace appeared lost and bewildered, and sometimes acted like a third contestant on Mr. Biden’s side.

My thoughts on last night and, more importantly, the bigger picture behind the scenes.

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