The Harvey Weinstein Sexual Reformation: Don’t Miss It

I give no credit to sexual predator and  former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein for igniting a sexual reformation this year.

Yet, it appears God is using the revelation of his sins to begin a purifying process in Hollywood and the American nation that stands two generations overdue.

It needs to go much further–and include you and me.

Here’s the meaning of the Harvey Weinstein sexual reformation and why I don’t want you to miss it.

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The Devil’s Advantage & Christ’s Eternal Hope

The most horrific church massacre in U.S. history at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas reveals many things.

We sadly see the face of evil once again and the carnage that comes from it. We view the heroism of the Good Samaritans who shot and chased down the despicable murderer.

We hear the clamor for stricter gun laws and the response that no laws could have prevented this crime and that Texas-carry laws actually prevented more deaths.

But what are the larger lessons? I submit they include the devil’s momentary advantage and Christ’s eternal hope.

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Yes, Virginia, There’s a Deep State. In Fact, There Are Two.

Our local newspaper runs an annual editorial at Christmastime called “Yes, Virginia, There’s a Santa Claus.” Its point is that some things that are invisible can be true none-the-less.

Last November, when Donald Trump was elected president of the United States against all odds and poll numbers, I modified the headline to “Yes, Virginia, There is a God”–to again prove that things unseen can have a hand in events on earth.

Now it’s time to borrow the phrase once more:

Yes, Virginia, There is a Deep State. In Fact, There are Two. Read More