Where are the Saints and the Patriots?

No, I’m not talking about those Saints and Patriots.

The football Saints rode a future Hall of Fame quarterback to a Super Bowl victory. Another G.O.A.T. quarterback carried the Patriots to the pigskin promised land six times. One month ago, he did it again with some pirates (Buccaneers).

I know where those Saints and Patriots live–in New Orleans and New England. But, America is in trouble and I’m looking for the real ones needed to fight our current spiritual and cultural war.

Where are the saints of God and patriots of the American Republic?

Where are the Saints and the Patriots?

We live in dangerous times. The United States remains engulfed in a worldview battle that could  decide the future destiny of this nation and the world as we know it–in our lifetime.

Yet, America remains the guardian of the Free World and the beacon for spreading the Good News of Christ worldwide. We send the most missionaries, provide the bulk of humanitarian aid, and have kept evil nations at bay with our military force and nuclear arsenal for the past one hundred years.

The Fourth Wave of Modern Missions is helping in positive ways as believers from Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia are rising to take their place in sharing Jesus’ love with the nearly eight billion world inhabitants. This is a wonderful and providential act of God.

But America and the Western World still play an important role. The United States in particular fuels the economic engine of progress and innovation–pulling millions out of poverty and inspiring hope and human initiative. If America’s biblical values, economy, and military strength degrade, then the world will be a darker place. Same with Europe.

The Fourth Wave could ebb in this generation. That’s the plan of the forces of evil.

I have been writing for months about the new American Axis of Evil (AAE) that threatens our country and the world. I described them this way five months ago:

“The real collusion in America comes from three powerful groups who have joined forces to obtain power in our country:

  • The Democratic Party which has been taken over by secular-progressives (leftists).
  • The liberal media including the three major networks, CNN and MSNBC, The New York Times, and the Washington Post.
  • The Deep State (the Swamp) –federal workers entrenched in the D.C. bureaucracy.”

“All three groups were once mainstream (fair and decent), composed of varied factions, and generally adhered to Judeo-Christian values. No more. In 2020, they have deceptively aligned to dismantle America as we know it.”

I wrote those words before the November election. Shockingly, eighty million people elected a mentally challenged Joe Biden to the U.S. presidency and gave the “Axis” control of both chambers of Congress.

Georgia electing two radical leftists to the Senate sealed the deal. Since that time, the Biden administration has moved quickly to destroy many aspects of American life.

I do not use the word “destroy” carelessly. Standing invisibly behind the evil triumvirate are  demonic forces who’s multi-thousand-year goal has been to destroy human beings and bring them to a hellish end. Jesus himself said: “The thief (Lucifer and his demons) comes to steal, kill and destroy” (John 8:10).

Is there any doubt that the AAE is committed to destroying our nation? 

  • They are destroying the family through sexual liberation from biblical norms which bless individuals and support family harmony and happiness. The latest push is forcing transgender confusion in the schools, women’s sports, and every public bathroom.
  • They are committed to destroying unity and equality through preferring certain groups over others (equity) and using racism as an excuse for violence.
  • They are destroying our history by tearing down statutes, re-naming buildings, and re-writing the history books (1619 Project) while blaming white supremacy for all social ills.
  • They are destroying free speech and due process through the cancel culture, woke intimidation, and the media censorship (Dr. Seuss and even Disney movies).
  • They are destroying our cities by condoning rioting and looting (when it fits progressive causes), defunding he police, and giving free bail and benefits to lawbreakers.
  • They are destroying the economy through reckless deficits, the war on fossil fuels (do you like the rising gas prices?) and increasing regulations.
  • They are destroying our national sovereignty through open borders and free handouts to illegals. 
  • They are destroying children through abortion and working people through lockdowns and fear-peddling.

I could list numerous other categories. But I think you see it with your own eyes.

Of course, satanic legions have been battling human culture since the beginning of time. That is not new. But we live in an era of nearly eight billion people with high tech capabilities, weapons of mass destruction, and a growing global homogeneity.

In America’s past, generations have risen to check and stop the tide of evil.

Where are the saints and patriots of the 2020’s?

Early America had the Pilgrims and Puritans. The Pilgrims were the prayer warrior separatists of the day and the Puritans the reformers in American society. Together, they pushed back evil through revivals, godly education, and strong families.

The Revolutionary War saw ministers sound the alarm for liberty while others joined “Committees of Correspondence” and fought in the army against tyranny. One American clergyman preached a sermon with vestal robes, then tore them off revealing his military uniform. He then signed up recruits for the Colonial Army in the church hall.

The Civil War period produced great revivalists like Charles Finney and abolitionists like Harriet Tubman. God’s saints called the people to repentance and his revolutionaries won a victory over slavery and a divided Union.

In the 20th century, FDR led the nation in prayer over the radio against the fascists and Nazis of East and West (Japan and Germany). Millions of folks joined the army while others prayed, manned the factories, and trusted God for deliverance.

Both saints and patriots are needed in our day to defeat evil. Saints are believers in Christ who share the Good News, pray, and live holy and virtuous lives. They act as a spiritual air force in confronting the powers of darkness.

Patriots share similar values but focus more on issues, order in society (self-defense, police, and armed forces), and social reform. They form the cultural army.

More recently, Martin Luther King led the Civil rights movement of the 60’s, and in the 1980’s, Washington For Jesus fueled the election of Ronald Reagan and “Morning in America.” The Moral Majority and other groups fought the culture wars. Two decades ago, Tea Party patriots organized to oppose big government and elect fiscal conservatives.

Most of the saints and patriots in American history were young. Youth carry the passion and strength needed for renewal and victory. Older “generals” are needed, but the energy and vision of younger generations always propel both revival and social reformation.

Where are the youthful saints and patriots of today? Were they killed in the abortion holocaust (65 million kids)? Have those who survived been brainwashed into voting for their own destruction?

Every major city and town in America need a rebirth of passionate saints and patriots. Prayer people and activists. Good News proclaimers and societal guardians.

I encourage you to call people together using every means possible. We must develop greater unity than the forces against us. Gather God’s saints and political patriots as one to stand up in this generation. Inspire them to protect and renew the precious heritage God has given each American city and county.

“When the leaders led, and the people volunteered. Bless the Lord!” (Judges 5:2).

What is your part in the next American revival and revolution?

Watch, Pray and Fight–with Hope

The U.S. presidential election turned out to be a long night. It reminded me of the emotional battle of recent Seattle Seahawks’ games. I’m sure you felt the same if you love God and America as I do.

I want to encourage you today to do four things in the coming weeks:

Watch, Pray, Fight and be filled with Hope.

Watch, Pray and Fight–with Hope

Our Ultimate Commander-in-Chief–King Jesus–told us to “occupy until I come” (Luke 19:13).

I watched the election results on Fox News for nearly seven hours. It looked discouraging as the early votes favored the Biden-Harris ticket (early voting favors Democrats). Then the pendulum swung toward Trump-Pence as the president took the states of Florida and Ohio and appeared leading in others (election day turnout favors Republicans).

Then, out of nowhere, Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden and other key states shut down and stopped counting. The Fox commentators filled the ensuing hours with speculation, chatter, laughing with one another with blurry eyes, and wondering what to do.

Then Joe Biden and his wife appeared at an outdoor venue near their home in Delaware to encourage his followers he had won, to keep the faith, and to “count every ballot.” One commentator said Biden was trying to avoid the Gore mistake of 2000–to get out in front of a possible legal battle and appear the victor.

I found it strange and unusual that his running mate, radical progressive Senator Kamala Harris, was nowhere to be seen.

Hours later with the vote count stalled, President Trump and Melania and Mike and Karen Pence appeared before a gathering in the East Room of the White House. The combative president proclaimed he had won the election and that nefarious forces were trying to steal it. He gave a litany of vote statistics and invited the VP to say a few words.

After midnight I fell into bed and tossed and turned all night.

This morning, the most important election of our lifetime remains in limbo. Some tightening votes in Michigan and Wisconsin might indicate the race could go either way–and will be vigorously litigated. That’s a good thing because if the president ultimately prevails, the lamp of liberty remains on in the United States of America.

If Joe Biden and the forces behind him win, then we are in for growing forms of tyranny and increasing danger.

Now is not the time to wring our hands and stand on the sidelines. Please join me in the following commitments.


We must pay close attention to what happens in the coming days or weeks so you can pray and actively do our part. Sources of information remain vital.

If you need a dose of optimism and encouragement, tune into the three-hour Rush Limbaugh program–at least as you drive around in your car. There is a reason Rush commands America’s largest radio audience of twenty million people. He has a gift of “faith” and better understanding of politics than any person I know.

He’s also battling 4th stage lung cancer and God is doing a good work in his life. He talks openly about his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, trusting God, and what a privilege it is to wake up every morning and use his gifts. If you need a fighting-spirit dose of faith, then tune into Rush.

I also recommend you subscribe to the Dick Morris Reports daily “Lunch Alerts” (free of charge) that give helpful perspective on important issues. Dick and Rush are in sync right now about the battle for the White House. They will encourage you.

I have stopped watching television news (though I appreciate the spunk and clarity of Tucker Carlson and the tenacity of Sean Hannity). Bill O’Reilly.com remains my primary news source. O’Reilly gives forty minutes of simple, clear perspective on the cultural civil war we face–from a traditional (Catholic) perspective. He achieved number one status on Fox News for fifteen years for his wisdom, fairness, and balance. His exploding podcast is worth the $50 yearly fee. He says tonight may be his most important broadcast ever.

It was Jesus who told us to watch (Mark 13:35-37). Keep your eyes open (and informed).


Many powerful prayer thrusts prior to the 2020 elections ascended before the throne of God. He heard, He answered and poured out his favor upon us.

God led Franklin Graham to launch a prayer march for American awakening; He commissioned Jonathan Cahn to organize The Return and draw thousands to D.C. for a solemn assembly. The past two days, Lance Wallnau led a two-day prayer event in the nation’s capital while others launched a 48-hour Bible Reading Marathon–to speak God’s words over the nation.

Yesterday morning I participated in a sixteen-hour continuous prayer call of various Christian leaders that greatly encouraged me. There are countless other nation-wide and global prayer initiatives taking place right now because God is calling his people to pray–for America, the world, the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and God’s Kingdom purposes on earth.

Yesterday, I stretched out my prayer time before God. When the election results deadlocked and came to a standstill last evening, God spoke to me that we must go deeper to prevail in prayer.

Commit to “pray through” during these tumultuous days. “The effective passionate prayers of godly people can accomplish much” (James 5:16).


It is utterly amazing how Donald Trump beat all expectations in this election, especially when you consider:

  • Four years of lies about Russian collusion trying to negate his first election to the presidency.
  • 93% negative media coverage by the mainstream press.
  • Fighting daily the New American Axis of Evil (the media, Democratic Party and the DC Swamp).
  • Many Democrats using the Covid pandemic to shut down the American economy.

For all his faults, Donald Trump is a fighter–the right man for the hour. Besides being a 21st century “Cyrus,” I view him like Samson–a strongman who indulged in lustful passion in younger years.

But he was chosen by God to defeat the Philistines. Nobody else could do it.

Many of us believe Donald J. Trump was raised up “for a time such as this” (Esther 4:14). God has placed the freedom and future of the Western World on his shoulders because he can handle it.

President Trump is uniquely prepared to fight–not for every ballot to be counted–but for every legal vote to be validated. He believes he legitimately won the election with a herculean effort in the final weeks. He drew crowds never seen before in American politics–during a pandemic.

Let’s join his fight for truth to prevail.


When the dust clears over the election results and possibly the United States Supreme Court weighs in with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett, we can be hopeful that we have sought God, obeyed Him, and trust in his sovereignty.

If Trump wins the election, the greater work of revival and reformation commences, and the cause of liberty continues to shine in our land. If he loses, we must keep our focus on the King of kings, Lord of lords, President of presidents–Jesus Christ–who providentially directs history toward the consummation of his eternal reign.

Let’s watch, pray, fight, and hope–in Him alone.

We must occupy until He comes.

This Culture War is All About God

It’s quite apparent that the Western World and its apex–the United States of America–is engaged in a cultural civil war. I have written numerous pieces on this subject and was among the first to call attention to the fragile state of Western Civilization.

Most civil wars aren’t quick–they take years to play out and only one side wins. This one will be no different except for one enormous detail.

This culture war is all about God.

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