The Compromise: The Tea Party Erects a Speed Bump
The battle over increasing the debt ceiling for the United States government ended today when Congress approved and the president signed a bill that would raise the current debt limit by 400 billion dollars. The House vote was 269-161 and Senate approved the measure 74-26. It was a hard fought battle that kept the nation and world on edge for days.
I’m greatly disappointed in the compromise–though pleased with some details–and have been thinking about a phrase that describes the ordeal we have just experienced:
You can’t see the forest for the trees.
Here are a few of the trees: The mainstream media is calling the debt ceiling compromise a huge victory for the Tea Party movement. They say that Barack Obama’s showed strong leadership, politics as usual was demonstrated by both parties, and that the “compromise” was a good thing in the end.
They are wrong.
These are just trees–not the bigger picture.
What’s really happened is that the Tea Party managed to erect a temporary speed bump in front of runaway government spending and begin to re-frame the debate. The “forest” of financial disaster still looms in front of us–dark and foreboding.
We must continue to fight to save our Republic.
Before we discuss the bigger war and battles that lie ahead, let’s look at the “speed bump” that was erected this week.
Here’s how the Family Research Council saw it:
“The framework…would raise the debt limit by at least $2.4 trillion and get Obama and congressional Democrats past their target date: Election Day 2012. In return for this generous political cover, Democrats would agree to a modest $1 trillion in supposed cuts spread out over 10 years; $350 billion of those “upfront” savings come from gutting national security resources.”
“A trillion dollars over 10 years is not sufficient to impress credit rating agencies, which have threatened to downgrade America’s credit status. In fact, Moody’s announced that: “Reductions of the magnitude now being proposed, if adopted, would likely lead Moody’s to adopt a negative outlook on the AAA rating.” The current plan does not improve upon either of those earlier plans.”
“In addition to the $1 trillion, the framework sets up a ‘special’ congressional committee that would seek $1.4 trillion in ‘deficit reduction’ by the end of 2011. Of course, for liberals, ‘deficit reduction’ is synonymous with ‘higher taxes.'”
“If the commission’s recommendations are not enacted, across-the-board spending cuts would be triggered, half of which (nearly $500 billion) would come from national security spending. Every honest observer knows the problem is entitlement spending, not the defense budget or a lack of revenue. Defense spending has been on the decline for decades, as a percentage of GDP. It is currently below its historical average of 5.2 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) grew from 2.5 percent of GDP in 1965 to over 10 percent today and represent 60 percent of the total federal budget.”
The Heritage Foundation saw the debt ceiling compromise in these terms:
“Unfortunately for taxpayers, most of these cuts are to what the country would have spent, not what we are spending. In other words, the government will keep growing, just at a slower rate. The Left will have the satisfaction of raising our credit limit for six months but spreading the pain of cuts over 10 years. Obviously, we have no way to estimate what inflation will be in 2021, but we can look back on the cost of living over the last 10 years and see that the value of the dollar diminished by about 24% since 2001. If the next decade is similar to the last, then $1 trillion in cuts today will be more like $800 million in cuts tomorrow. “
“To help hold Congress’s feet to the fire on deficit reduction, the deal does asks for a second wave of spending cuts this year. The only hitch is, those cuts would be determined by a select number of congressmen. It’s been dubbed the Super Committee, and judging by the description, there’s a lot to dislike. Twelve members (six from each chamber and six from each party) will have to find ways to slash the deficit by another $1.6 trillion before the end of the year. If they don’t, a surge of cuts to the defense and Medicare budgets would automatically go into effect.”
“On the bright side, the agreement does make a vote on the Balanced Budget Amendment a condition of the final deal. Any victories the GOP can claim in this debate are owed to hard-core conservatives like Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio), Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Steve King (Iowa), and Louie Gohmert (Texas), who held firm in the face of enormous political pressure. Without their resolve, there would have been little to negotiate.”
So here’s what it all means–to get back to the “forest” analogy. I want to lay this out in stark terms so that you don’t miss the big picture:
Today, the United States government is 14.5 trillion dollars in debt. In less than two years we will be over 17 trillion dollars in debt–and gobbling up 25% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Our historic average is 18%. We are currently running deficits of over 1.5 trillion dollars a year–for as far as the eye can see. We borrow forty- three cents of every dollar that we spend. Next year, the so-called “cuts” will be a measly 22 billion dollars.
That’s six days of federal spending.
A dirty little secret–the true “Satan Sandwich”of our current deficit binge–is that none of the “cuts” that are mentioned above are actual reductions in spending. Federal entitlement programs–currently 60% of the US Budget–increase 7-8% each year. All so-called “cuts” are really cuts in the growth rate of Big Government–nothing more.
Imagine your family bringing in $60,000 a year in income, but spending $100,000. You are $1,000,000 in debt and it’s begun to grow exponentially. To stop the bleeding, you decide to spend $107,000 next year instead of $108,000. And on and on.
If you did that in the real world, you would crash and burn.
Sound crazy?
Well, that’s the Federal Government “dealing with the problem.” There’s no real reckoning with reality–just a slight retarding of a nasty habit that will have devastating consequences in this nation and the world economy if we allow it to continue.
Yes, we do need to give the Tea Party legislators credit. Without 120 courageous members in the House of Representatives, the debt ceiling would have been raised with a yawn–and there would be no discussion of “cuts” of any type. During the first two years of the Obama administration, when the liberals controlled all branches of government, we spent four trillion dollars inflating our National-Debt-and-Government Monster.
Thanks to the Tea Party, a speed bump has been erected. It doesn’t stop the runaway car–it just slows it slightly. It’s a small victory in a big war, but unless we win the war, the United States is finished as a nation.
A black, ugly, destructive forest of financial disaster still looms in front of us. The liberal elements still control the White House and half of Congress. If we do not stop them, the United States as we know it will be added to the ash heap of history.
We will be Greece–times one thousand–and fade into obscurity.
As people of faith and courage, our marching orders remain clear.
1. We must decisively win back control of the United States Senate in the 2012 elections to stop the progressive spending insanity. We must increase our majority in the House of Representatives.
2. We must defeat Barack Obama in 2012 with a conservative candidate with spine and vision to make the hard choices to pare down entitlements.
3. We must pass a responsible balanced budget amendment and have it ratified by the states. Our leaders in Washington will never have the guts to do it.
4. We must change our current tax code from a job-squelching progressive income tax to a fair tax or a flat tax. This would make the United States the investment haven on the world.
5. Over time we need to pay-off our 14.5 trillion dollar debt.
To accomplish the above legislative goals, we need to change ourselves first. As individuals and families, we need to reject irresponsible debt and live within our means. We need give up our entitlement mentality and take more responsibility for our own lives.
The government does not owe us a certain standard of living. It owes us an “honest money–just society” that gives equal opportunity to all people and protects us from our enemies.
And to accomplish that, we need more of God in our hearts and practices.
This coming Saturday, August 6, “The Response” is taking place in Houston, Texas, and many cities around our nation. I encourage you to participate. It’s a national call, led by Texas Governor Rick Perry, for America to return to its God-fearing roots.
The Tea Party erected a speed bump–a warning.
But only a prayerful, repentant response to God can get us completely turned around and moving in the right direction as a nation.
Getting Away With Murder–And What We Can Do About It
I followed closely “the trial of the 20th century”– the O.J. Simpson murder case–and more recently the “trial of the 21st century” involving Casey Anthony and the death of her daughter, Caylee.
When the jurors reached the Simpson verdict in 1995, I was traveling with a friend out of state. When the media announced the arrival at a verdict, we high-tailed it to a television set where we eagerly awaited the outcome.
Last week was similar. When I heard on the radio that the Casey Anthony verdict would be announced at 11 am, I arranged my schedule to tune in. Both Shirley and I watched in silence as the decision was read to the nation.
My reaction to both verdicts was the same—stunned disbelief with knots in my stomach. In both cases, I agree with a majority of people that a murderer was set free and an innocent victim denied justice.
It’s time to make some changes in the criminal justice system.
I have some recommendations.
First, let’s re-visit each gut-wrenching case. In the OJ Simpson trial, as in most murder trials, there were no eyewitnesses but loads of circumstantial evidence. Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were cruelly killed with a knife in cold blood—her throat slit and his body slashed. The evidence clearly pointed to Brown’s estranged husband, O.J. Simpson who had the motive, the erratic behavior, and various clues that pointed his direction.,
The case ultimately hinged on a bloody glove–that was linked to the crimes–being found on Simpson’s Belmont estate.
The jurors had this decision to make: Either O.J. Simpson killed his wife and Ron Goldman, or a sinister detective planted evidence to make it look that way.
These were the only two reasonable choices.
Bad cop or guilty O.J.
The jurors in the O.J. trial chose the bad cop theory and claimed racism was behind the “planted evidence.”
We all screamed that they were wrong and that it was a travesty of justice.
Now there is the Casey Anthony acquittal. Anthony’s three year-old daughter, Caylee, was found dead in December 2008 in a swamp near the Anthony home. Casey was the last person to be seen with Caylee on July 15, 2008. Her death was clearly a murder because duct tape was found on her mouth and nose (skeletal remains) and her lifeless body had been placed in two plastic bags and a laundry sack and tossed into a swampy woods.
There were other forensic clues. A chloroform search on a computer, the duct tape linked to Casey’s house, the smell of death in the trunk of her car, and a strand of hair consistent with Caylee’s also found there. But the forensic case wasn’t a slam dunk–and dueling experts came to different conclusions.
To me, there were two damning pieces of evidence that put this case beyond a “reasonable doubt.” First was Casey’s behavior after the little girl’s death. She had failed to report her daughter missing for thirty-one days and partied virtually the whole time. Grieving mothers don’t celebrate and have tattoos put on their shoulder that say “Bella Vita” (Beautiful Life). She then lied about a fictitious nanny who was supposed to be watching the child, about a rich boyfriend, and about where she worked.
Over time, Casey Anthony proved to be a pathological liar.
Probably the most “honest” moment of the trial was hearing Casey’s mother, Cindy, react in a 911 call to her first suspicions of what had happened to Caylee. When Cindy realized her granddaughter had been missing for over a month, Cindy called 911 in clear distress with these chilling words:
“I can’t find my granddaughter. She (Casey) just admitted to me that she’s been trying to find her herself. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car.”
Casey had abandoned her car in a parking lot. The stench of death reeked from the trunk.
I know the smell of rotting flesh, having experienced it a few times when I’ve been around deceased corpses. Human decomposition is a unique and horrific smell–and you never forget it.
In this moment of tearful honesty, Cindy Anthony had discovered the truth: She suspected her own daughter was responsible for killing their granddaughter. During the trial, though the forensics were debatable, the circumstantial evidence was glaring. Casey was the the last person with Caylee; Chloroform computer search; Duct tape from the home; Abandoned car with the smell of death; Partying for thirty days while the little girl’s body rotted; Lying to everyone about everything.
However, during the trial, Casey’s defense lawyers were successful in fabricating theories and blaming others for Caylee’s death. They said that the Anthony home was dysfunctional. They blamed the murder on Casey’s father, George Anthony, who they claimed had abused Casey as a child, was an adulterer, and may have helped cover up or participate in the death.
But their biggest smokescreen, shared in opening arguments, was that Caylee’s death was an accident that went “terribly wrong.” They offered zero proof of this theory. It also made no sense. Why would a child’s accidental death place her in a bag with duct tape and send the mother out partying for a month? When a child accidently dies, you call the police, you grieve, and you have a memorial to honor the loss of the precious life.
You don’t party, lie, and cover up.
Yet, incredibly, when two of the jurors spoke about the verdict afterwards, they both had apparently bought the “accident” theory. As to Casey partying for a month, one of them said, “Yeah, that was bizarre.”
No, it was evil–and they weren’t able to see it.
Like most of America–and the world–I’m deeply troubled by both of these verdicts that made a mockery of justice. As a biblical Christian, I’m committed to seeing God’s will “down on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). That will includes God’s passion for justice.
Yes, it’s inevitable that in a fallen world mistakes will be made. I believe the Casey Anthony jurors were sincere when they came up with their verdict. I really don’t blame them.
But eternity will reveal they were wrong. A murderer was set free. A little girl was treated unjustly. And all of America was taught that if you’re a good enough liar you can beat the system. That alone will produce terrible consequences in the coming years.
I hope we use the OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony travesties of justice to make some changes to our criminal justice system. Here are some recommendations:
1. Don’t permit the rejection of potential jurors due to their moral principles or faith. I was once rejected from a jury because I was a “Christian who was pro-life.” The defense lawyers didn’t want principled, moral-thinking people deciding their case! They wanted to bamboozle fuzzy thinking, immoral people. Free societies–which ought to be tried by citizen juries–a Constiutional right–can only stay free when people of faith and morality serve. For those quick to say that our Constitutional system worked in the Casey Anthony trial, I would remind you of the words of John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Same with juries.
2. Don’t force jurors to deal with the finer nuances of law or sentencing. Part of the problem in the Anthony case was obvious confusion over whether they should convict, beyond a reasonable doubt, of Murder One, Manslaughter, Child abuse, etc. That shouldn’t be the jury’s job. Let them keep to the basics. Was a murder committed by a certain party? Then leave the sentencing or type of murder to legal professionals (a judge or judges) who can give the proper sentence for the crime.
3. Don’t allow defense lawyers, or prosecution teams, to present “theories” to the jury that they are not required to back up. If they state a theory, they must present evidence to confirm it. If they don’t attempt to do so, they lose the case or are disqualified from finishing the proceedings. This will stop a lot of “lawyer lies.”
4. Beyond a “reasonable doubt” does not mean beyond a “shadow of a doubt.” There will always be some doubt where evidence of terrible crimes is limited. It was totally reasonable to believe, based on the circumstantial evidence, that O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony committed murder. Much greater clarity of understanding is needed here.
5. We should also re-examine whether our laws against self-incrimination promote justice. In the Bible, people suspected of various crimes were required to testify themselves as to their innocence or guilt. This testimony is extremely valuable. It certainly would have convicted O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony. Does pursuing true justice require honesty, from all parties involved?
6. We need to be much swifter in dispensing justice. The Bible is very clear on this point. Long trials and years of appeals dull the heart and mind and lead to poor decisions. They also lead to more crimes being committed because of the lack of swift justice which is a restraint on evil.
7. Television crime shows have falsely given the impression that all cases can be solved by forensics–or that they are the key to convicting people. No–circumstantial evidence is extremely important. In the death of Caylee Anthony, DNA could not be found due to exposure to the elements for six months. But the circumstantial evidence overwhelmingly pointed to Casey Anthony as the killer.
Erick Erickson of shared some of the wiser words on the Casey Antony verdict:
“Casey Anthony got off because she worked the system. In a fair and impartial court system this happens. It’s too bad. But the worst part of this is the idea that we can take the denial of justice for a toddler who was brutally murdered and use it to pat ourselves on the back about what a great society we are.”
“Are we a great society because a young, damaged single mother who claimed her own father molested her left her daughter with him to go drinking? Are we a great society because we produce people who would rather go to wet t-shirt contests than look for their missing children? Are we a great society because our citizens try to frame innocent people for crimes they didn’t commit? Or are we a great society because people like that can find a way to get off?”
“The Casey Anthony verdict doesn’t endorse our criminal justice system; it exposes our crumbling society. The courts can’t always dispense justice, it is up to society to protect our children. We need to bring back public shaming, we need to bring back the idea of moral responsibility separate from legal responsibility.”
We need a renewal of our society–including the vital areas of law and justice.
Let’s pursue it, for Caylee’s sake.
Also for the needed re-birth of the fear of the Lord in our land.
Why The Media Loathes Sarah Palin, and Will Soon Have Michelle Bachmann in Their Cross-Hairs
I admit that according to the current PC standards at CNN, I shouldn’t have used the term “cross hairs.” But it’s the only image that comes to mind when I ponder the the utter contempt and hatred that the media has shown for Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for the past three years.
She’s not just in their “cross hairs.” They’ve editorially murdered her numerous times. I’ve never witnessed such hostile bias toward a candidate. The most recent bullseye they put on her back consisted of drooling over what they might find in some 24,000 government e-mails she sent while governor of Alaska.
All they revealed was that Sarah was a competent and likable governor who really loves her children. How humiliating.
Why does the secular media loathe Sarah Palin? And if she does not run for president of the United States, why will they soon train those same guns on Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann?
I can think of at least seven reasons why the secular press has done everything in their power to discredit and discourage Governor Palin from running for president of the United States:
1. Sara Palin is an out-spoken, evangelical Christian. The secular press in this nation–which includes The New Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, the Big Three television networks, and CNN and MSNNBC–have become fairly anti-faith in the past thirty years. They used to be more balanced in their approach to the news, but today they make no bones that they do not support the Judeo-Christian worldview which is at America’s core. They are secular, media outlets who do their best to ridicule and marginalize Christianity while peddling the principles and worldview of atheism.
The only exception was the “puffing” of born-again Christian Jimmy Carter. But that was for good reason. Carter may have been a Christian in heart, but his public policies were clearly secular or humanistic. He was a political liberal–something they share in common. So they overlooked his faith to promote his ideals. Those policies were disastrous for America in the 1970s.
The Big Media hate Sarah Palin because she is a person of faith both in heart and in mind. That makes her a major threat to their progressive agenda. They want to “progress” away from Christianity–not restore and encourage its blessings.
2. Sarah Palin is a principled conservative—and they loathe the views of conservatives. Why? Because conservative positions on most issues are the Christian expression of political ideas. In the same way that Christian faith is meant to “conserve culture”–Jesus said we were to be the “light of the world and the salt of the earth,”–biblical truths applied to government help conserve civilization. They strengthen families, promote justice, enhance freedom, and encourage right relationship to God and others.
Sarah Palin and other conservatives are fighting hard to point America back to God and his principles for just and free societies. The secular media is the opposing team.
3. Sarah Palin is articulate–sharing common sense solutions to America’s problems. If she wasn’t so good at it they wouldn’t pay attention to her. She may not be as smooth as other candidates, and she makes her share of mistakes as all politicians do, but on the whole she is refreshing because her perspective on the issues is wise and practical: Balance the budget, stop spending money you don’t have, encourage thrift and hard work, support the military who defend our shores, lower taxes, decrease government regulations, and Drill, Baby Drill (energy independence)!
The secular press disdains the wisdom of the past–the things that made America great. They’re into social experimentation and freedom without boundaries or restraints.
Somehow, some way, they need to make the Sarah Palins of the world look like country bumpkins.
4. Sarah Palin is feminine–even pretty–which is the anti-thesis of their unisexual ideal. The liberal left has spent more than one generation trying to permanently change the image of women. Feminism has made some positive contributions to modern society, but its great negative has been to blur the distinction between men and women–essentially encouraging women to look and behave like men. The goal is a uni-sexual culture that breaks down the God-given distinctions and giftings of the two sexes.
The clearest expression of this in the 20th century was Communist China where women and men all dressed in drab black suits and performed the same jobs. Atheism doesn’t like maleness and femaleness and the roles and responsibilities that go with it. It’s harder to control. And secularism–or liberalism–is all about control.
Have you noticed that the “ideal” liberal woman usually look and act like men? Think of Hillary Clinton in pant-suits and Geraldine Ferraro’s masculine haircut. Sarah Palin is the opposite. Yeah, she’s tough, and enjoys the Alaskan frontier–but in looks and demeanor she’s a female “Ten.” Not the image and policies that feminism (and its policies) want in the White House.
What kind of person does the New Times and its kind want to be the first female president? A feminist! Sarah Palin does not fit the bill.
5. She’s a common person, not a member of the elite. One thing we have come to learn about liberalism or secularism in the past few years is its love affair with experts or the societal elite. Ivy League schools are preferred and membership in the Tri-Lateral Commission. Secularists believe they are superior to the common folk. They know better. Thus, they must control the decisions and lives of everyday people. There is an arrogance that follows much of secular thought.
Sarah Palin is refreshingly a humble, common American. She has no pedigree, inherited wealth, or social privilege. Shirley and I really enjoyed Sarah Palin’s Alaska, her beautifully filmed reality series that show-cased the beauty of our forty-ninth state. The adventures of the Palin family were fun to watch. But the thing that struck me most was this: Sara Palin is one of us. She’s a plain, ordinary person to whom I can relate. She understands the problems and pains or the common man and shares their solutions.
How refreshing! The liberal elites just want to vomit.
6. Sarah Palin is patriotic–not an internationalist. Make no mistake that the forces that are driving us toward one-world government or control are those of communism, secularism or Islam–not Christianity. Secularism’s savior is government–and the bigger the better. That’s why most liberals are not extremely patriotic. They like the benefits of America but not the beliefs that made her great.
7. Sarah Palin is a female version of Ronald Reagan who would set back their cause back thirty or more years. They loathed the Gipper too, and did everything in their power to see him defeated. But Reagan rose from from humble beginnings to become one of the great conservative-minded presidents of the 20th century. Sarah Palin could just possibly do the same.
That’s why she must be chopped down to size by the libeal press so that her negatives are so high through biased reporting that she becomes unelectable.
The media has done a pretty good job of ruining the reputation of Sarah Palin over the past three years. So good that my guess is that she will not run for president in 2012.
But after last night’s Republican debate and announcement, there is another Sarah Palin waiting in the wings. Her name is Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann. She too is an evangelical Christian, an articulate conservative, pretty, a common sense woman (she raised 23 foster children), who’s extremely patriotic, and very Reaganesque.
She annonced last night that she will be running for president in 2012.
I can already hear the sighs and curses in Big Media newsrooms. And I can imagine the vicious attack that will soon begin on a woman who could lead us back to God and greatness.
Let’s not let them succeed.
Let’s pray, get involved, and vote for those leaders who can help us restore the American Dream of “One Nation Under God.”