Two Mortal Dangers Amid God’s Rays of Hope

For years I shared the message of Jeremiah around the United States and in other nations of the world. 

The prophet spent four decades warning the Hebrew people that four sins were hastening their demise as a nation: 1) Idolatry–putting other things before God, 2) Religious perversion–compromising true worship and practice, 3) Seared Consciences–the blurring of right and wrong, and 4) Human Injustice–hurting people due to the first three.

Judah sinned and fell in 586 B.C.  It didn’t recover as a nation for 2500 years until Israel’s rebirth in 1948. 

America faces some mortal dangers in this generation–amid some rays of hope.

Be forewarned–and incited to pray.

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We Must Work Harder Than the Atheists

In the past few weeks I’ve written on the growth of atheism in America and how we must counteract it. I’ve also shared about the Asbury Revival–signaling possibly a growing Jesus Revolution in our nation.

One or the other is going to prevail in America in the coming years. The atheists will either guide us into social chaos and economic collapse–leading to tyranny. Or an awakening of the Church will sweep the USA and renew our foundations. “Who wins” boils down to this question:

Which group wants it the most and will work the hardest?

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We Are Fighting Atheists, Not Leftists

This week the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon after it traversed the USA. Then President Biden delivered his “State of the Union” address to the American nation.

What do China and President Biden share in common (other than influence peddling)? They are both leftists, operating out of an atheistic world view. They are both working against liberty and revival in our nation and worldwide.

We must define our enemies in order to understand how to beat them. 

We are fighting atheists in America and the West.

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