What the “D” Now Stands for Behind a Candidate’s Name

Though this is a mundane political year around the United States, October is still a month to focus on candidates and issues for upcoming November elections.

Our local ballot is small but filled with names that have an “R” or a “D” behind them.

The “D” once stood for a Democratic Party which championed democracy, the working class, and personal responsibility (remember JFK).

Not in 2021. Here’s what the “D” now stands for behind a candidate’s name.

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How I Was Saved From Deceptive News

The barbarian takeover of Afghanistan due to President Biden’s incompetence continues to unfold. Even our State Department is standing in the way of helping Americans and allies flee the country safely. 

I thank God that other groups have helped with the airlift (Samaritan’s Purse, Kenneth Copeland Ministries and The Nazarene Fund–Glenn Beck) by transporting over 9,000 people to safety. But many remain stranded despite the denials by the Biden Administration.

Confusion and deception (caused by false information) can come from many sources.

Here’s how I was saved from deceptive news.

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Joe Biden and America in Trouble

If there was ever a time for an electorate to repent (be humble, sorrowful, and change their mind) over the choice of a leader, it’s now.

It’s hard to believe that eighty-one million Americans voted for the 46th president of the United States who is in obvious cognitive decline, with no real principles, who used his office to make his family wealthy, and was known to be on the “wrong side” of every major foreign policy decision he advised.

The Afghanistan tragedy proves Joe Biden is possibly the worst Commander-in-Chief ever– (beating out James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson)–in just seven short months.

And Joe Biden and America are in trouble because of it.

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