The Reasons for Covid
I saw a provocative (and humorous) cartoon some months back on how Covid 19 came into being.
In the cartoon, Barack Obama is speaking on the phone to President Xi Jinping of China. Just as he had quietly stated to the former president of Russia, Dimitry Medvedev, in his famous “Tell Vlad” exchange, Obama whispers over the phone to the Chinese dictator:
“Impeachment has failed to remove Trump from office. Release the virus.”
Good joke or too close for comfort?
Here are some reasons for the Covid plague and how it is changing our world.
Why Satan Has Taken Off His Mask
For hundreds of years, the devil, Satan, Lucifer–the unseen force for evil in our world–hid behind a cartoon character with a pitchfork in the Judeo-Christian West. “Ha ha ha. A devil you say? That’s a figment of your imagination.”
Other parts of the world take the devil and his demons seriously. Devilish activity is a part of their daily lives and evil is very real to them.
Now the West is catching up (or regressing?). The Devil used to hide himself here–for good reasons. Not anymore in the United States.
Here’s why Satan has taken off his mask.
The Meaning of Donald Trump–from a Biblical Perspective
As I readied this article for publication, the news hit that Rush Limbaugh died today at the age of seventy. His wife Katharine made the announcement at the beginning of his three-hour program which contains the largest radio audience in history.
I’m thankful for Rush Limbaugh’s thirty-two years of truth-telling about many aspects of American life. He was brilliant in his political analysis, courageous against the forces arrayed against him, and passionate in his love for America and its people.
His battle with lung cancer deepened his faith. In the past few months, he talked openly about his closeness to God and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. His millions of followers prayed for him and certainly benefited from that testimony.
Rush will be missed–but we must carry on the fight for truth. Here is my latest contribution.