Did the U.S. Election Delay Great Tribulation?

The provocative title may raise some eyebrows. But I think it’s a valid question. During the the past years of accelerating evil/tyranny in the United States, many people asked me whether I thought we were living in the “last days.” Their deep concern was this:   

“If America loses its freedom and global influence, what’s to stop the emergence of a one world government and an era the Bible describes as Great Tribulation before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ?”

I told them I didn’t know the answer.

But I do have some thoughts and I welcome yours.

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Thanking God for Loren Cunningham – June 30, 1935 – October 6, 2023

Yesterday was Shirley’s and my 47th wedding anniversary. I’m so grateful for the godly wife that God gave me in 1976. 

This week my heart aches for the nation of Israel which was attacked by terrorists with great loss of life. I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem and justice for the Hamas murderers.

But today I want to honor YWAM founder Loren Cunningham who graduated to heaven early Friday morning, October 6, at the age of 88.

I thank God for Loren Cunningham.

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If I Were the Devil

I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories though the blocking of the JFK assassination papers from the public makes me wonder what’s being hidden. Fortunately, in the the next life, everything will be revealed (Luke 12:3). I’m sure we’ll be shocked about “what really took place” in history.

I do believe in one conspiracy the Bible describes and is caricatured in C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters and Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness:

The devil and his demons conspiring to destroy human beings.

During the past one hundred years, if I were the devil, what would I do?

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