Freedom Wins: The Primary Lesson from the Kavanaugh Victory
October 6, 2018 should go down in history as a “Day of Renewal” in the United States. It brings to mind the following Scripture that was used to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 (actually July 2, but the press got it wrong):
“Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants” (Leviticus 25:10).
This particular verse is fittingly inscribed upon the Liberty Bell, enshrined near Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It speaks of the triumph of law, principle, truth, and victory over mobs and tyrants.
Justice Kavanaugh’s victory as the 114th justice of the United States declares the same.
Freedom wins.
What is the primary lesson from the Kavanaugh victory?
Arizona Grudges and the Poison of Bitterness
The state of Arizona sports many aspects of scenic beauty and grandeur. Of special note, the city of Phoenix rises from the desert as a testimony to what resourceful human beings can do when given an opportunity to “take dominion” over the forces of nature.
I’ve greatly enjoyed speaking in many settings in the Grand Canyon State and have a son who manages a business in the capital suburbs.
So what’s up with the Arizona grudges that are poisoning our nation?
Kavanaugh Conundrum: I See a Satanic Signature
Stunning political theater is taking place in the United States this week.
Eminently qualified Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been accused by a secular progressive professor of drunken traumatization at a party when she was 15 and he was 17.
The proposed #MeToo moment took place 37 years ago.
Judge Kavanaugh will speak to the allegations this week–and I hope his accuser will be forced to do the same. In this column, I will try to be fair in my analysis of this constitutional moment.
I will also give you a viewpoint that is rare in today’s news–a total view of the debacle, both seen and unseen.
I see a Satanic signature.