Have We Entered the Days of Jeremiah?

We are four years behind schedule (due to Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016), but the greatest nation in history now races away from its once firm foundation of “liberty and justice for all” and “In God We Trust.”

The destruction of our national culture is being vastly accelerated.

For forty years the prophet Jeremiah called his nation to return to God. They laughed and refused–and terminal judgment came.

Twenty-five hundred years later another “mystery of iniquity” is destroying America. In fact, the American people voted for these destructive forces to be unleashed (that’s the mystery).

Have we entered the days of Jeremiah?

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Capitol Riot Ignites Fascist Fury in America

Riots are always evil because they’re violent, selfish, and lack self-control–the key quality of a self-governing people.  

It is no mistake that God inspired the Apostle Paul to place “self-control” at the end of his list of godly character qualities (Galatians 5:19-23). It is the one that controls all others.

All who participated in the Capitol riot should be prosecuted and jailed. Their behavior led to five deaths, property damage, fear among our lawmakers and angst among the populace.

But the Capitol riot has now ignited a far greater evil in America. 

Fascist fury has been unleashed.

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The Trojan Horse of BLM

The Trojan Horse is a story how the Greeks used stealth to win a war. It’s part of Greek mythology–but possibly based on real events.

I’ve regrettably concluded the Black Lives Matter organization (BLM) is the biggest social Trojan Horse of our time.

We better “drag it out” of our nation before it’s too late.

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