What Will It Take to Awaken the Prodigal West?

One thing that separates the Bible from the Koran is the prevalence of stories that inspire us about life and truth. While the Koran contains the “recitations” of one man over a few weeks, the Bible was written by forty authors over two thousand years. That’s an amazing difference.

Because of its depth and breadth, God’s Word contains many stories, both historical and allegorical, that are memorable and life-changing–such as the parables of Jesus. One of my favorites is the Prodigal Son. It instructs us on the dangers we face in the Western World–and how to find the way home.

But what will it take to awaken the Prodigal West?

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MLK and the Abortion Lie

This week bookends the birthday of a man with a great cause, Martin Luther King, Jr. and his fight for civil rights, and the Right to Life March that peaceably protests on the largest and ongoing holocaust of all time–abortion.

Monday, January 17, we celebrated the MLK holiday and Friday, January 21, the annual March for Life is scheduled in Washington, D. C.  Martin Luther King believed in both “rights” found in the Declaration of Independence–the right to life and the right of liberty.

It’s time to reject a whopper of a lie.

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The Pilgrim Legacy

I hope you prayed for the Dobbs v. Jackson abortion case that was argued today before the U.S. Supreme Court. After fifty years of the greatest holocaust in human history, this Mississippi appeal provides an opportunity to limit abortions in our nation or possibly reverse Roe v. Wade. 

The decision will not be announced until June 2022, but between now and then we must intercede for our justices to do right according to the U.S. Constitution, the laws of God, and the consciences of honest human beings.

The right to life in America–the most basic of human rights–goes back to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Plantation. Here is the Pilgrim legacy we must renew in our day.

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