Turning the World Right Side Up

The shock and awe changes the Trump administration is bringing to the USA/world is nothing less than breathtaking. Donald Trump has accomplished more in a month than most presidents accomplish in four-to-eight years.

I’ve never seen anything like it in 54 years as a voter.

The American people are behind him 50-55% in most polls (much higher than he polled in term one) and Rasmussen Reports that their Presidential Approval Roundup shows a majority of Americans believe the country is now on the “right track” for the first time in two decades.

President Trump believes he has been spared by God to renew the American nation.    

That belief is turning the world right side up.

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What I Learned from Martin Luther (Again)

I was born and raised a Lutheran. During confirmation classes, I laughed wildly at Martin Luther being tried by a “Diet of Worms.” (“Diet” meant “Council” and “Worms” was the city where the gathering took place.) 

You get the drift of my teenage stupidity.

Five years hence, I learned two invaluable things from the German Reformer that I missed in confirmation class. Now fifty years later, I’m rediscovering the same two pillars of truth.

Here’s what I learned from Martin Luther (Again).

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Giving Thanks for an American Awakening

Though Christmas is upon us, I’m still full of “Thanksgiving” for an American awakening taking place across our land.

I know Kamala Harris received 74 million votes in the past election. The nation is divided. And most elections don’t portend that revival is taking place.

But many thoughtful voices believe a cultural turning is happening in the United States that could become a full-blown awakening (as happened in the 18th and 19th centuries). 

Be encouraged–and continue to pray.

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