Media Deception & Decay of Conscience
Charles Finney once declared that a decay of conscience in America would come from two primary sources–the Church (pastors and spiritual leaders) failing to fill the nation with light (truth and salvation), and the public press (media) promoting lies in their place.
That’s exactly what happening in the USA and many other nations today.
Let’s look at the deceptive power of today’s media.
The Church Has Dimmed the Lights
You might be shocked that I don’t hold anarchists, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, George Soros-bought DA’s, evil politicians or any other dimension of modern-day progressivism responsible for the current decline in America.
I agree with God that the Church is at fault for dimming the lights.
Decay of Conscience & How School Has Changed
You can only change a person, situation, or even nation if you properly analyze the problems and then apply God-given solutions to alter or transform them.
In the Bible the key word meaning “change” is the word repentance. It literally means to “re-think,”–to change your heart and mind.
Last week we looked at two factors in the decay of conscience in our nation–divide and conquer (the destruction of marriage and the family), and moral subversion–the crippling effects of sexual sin.
Here are the final three factors in our 21st century decay of conscience.